6 Ways To Overcome Mental Fatigue

Our eating habits are key when it comes to dealing with mental fatigue. We need to increase the consumption of natural products and reduce sugars and processed foods
6 ways to overcome mental fatigue

Are you tired after completing your work and personal commitments every day  and do not know how to overcome mental fatigue?

If this happens to you like most people, it is likely that you have not really rested and moved away from it all for too long now.

We know it’s important to focus on your commitments, however, if you’ve come to mental exhaustion, it’s time to stop. Follow these tips to overcome mental fatigue !  

You will then see that you will feel fresher and more likely to carry out your routine. A good idea is to adopt one or more of these habits every day. You will realize the incredible benefits they will bring to you.

1. Measure your successes in terms of effort and not results

Excessive demands are among the main causes of mental fatigue. Most of us have been educated to count our successes based on our achievements.

This implies that it does not matter if you get what you wanted or how hard you try, because if you don’t reach the desired result, you will feel that you have failed.

Well, this is not entirely bad. If you do it correctly, you will be able to measure your progress. Remember, however, that this cannot be done always and with every activity.

Give yourself the opportunity to reward yourself for every progress made  or every small milestone that brings you ever closer to your goal.    

2. Dedicate yourself more to the things you enjoy and take less responsibility


Another way to combat mental fatigue is to leave as many responsibilities aside as possible. When you move forward in life or try to reach your goal just because it is a duty, this gradually turns into an excessive burden. This applies to everything from childcare to work or a new business.

On the other hand, passion is the most powerful force we possess. Find the activities you enjoy and include them in your daily routine. Maybe you have to do a job from 9:00 to 17:00 that you don’t like, but that allows you to pay the bills.

In this case, opt for some pastime that you are really passionate about. Sign up for a class in the afternoon or play some sports on the weekend. Make sure that these activities mark your life and you will realize that, little by little, it will improve.

3. Reconnect with nature to overcome mental fatigue

Contact with nature to overcome mental fatigue

Do you feel really connected with nature? Even if you are someone who tries to take care of the environment, chances are you have left office life a few times to go for a walk.

It is also possible that you consider yourself to be not very capable of living in close contact with nature. However, we are not telling you that you have to hike every two days or venture into the great mountain climbing.

We recommend going out for 15 minutes a day. Any idea that comes to your mind is okay, whether it’s going out for a walk or a run, gardening or feeding the ducks in the park near your home.

If you have a dog, take the opportunity to take him for a walk and thus fight mental fatigue.  

4. Get sufficient amounts of the right proteins to overcome mental fatigue

Since the brain is one of the most energy-consuming organs, taking in negative calories or too much sugar will only make him feel more tired.

Instead, we recommend that you eat foods that are as natural as possible. The best are those with no, or almost no, added sugars, such as fruit.

It is also good to limit the amount of salt you usually take. Start eliminating the most harmful foods little by little.

5. Eliminate refined sugars and alcohol altogether

types of alcohol

How about avoiding the consumption of sugars during a whole day? What if you try it for two days in a row? Or for a week? You would realize that mental fatigue would disappear.   

 Also, you will be more alert and, in a couple of weeks, you will have more energy and fewer pounds.
  • The first step is to read all the food and drink labels we usually take. We are sure you will be surprised at the amount of refined sugars you are getting from seemingly harmless foods.
  • Likewise, you must also eliminate alcohol. While red wine, beer, and other beverages are beneficial for your health, it is best not to consume them if your body is too tired.

Remember that alcohol intake should be occasional and always reduced.

6. Keep the hours of rest constant

Successful people have been known to maintain very tight sleeping routines. They rarely sleep outside scheduled hours or longer than they should. And you?

Both children and adults need a well-defined sleep routine.  This lets the mind know when to rest and reduces mental fatigue.

It does not mean that you will not feel tired, as fatigue depends on everyday activities and other factors.

You may find it difficult to establish a new sleep routine at first, but with a nice tea before bed and a little patience, you will quickly adjust.   

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