Stains On The Hands: How To Reduce Them?

As you already know, treatments to eliminate these imperfections often cost quite a bit, so why not try these easier and cheaper remedies? In this article we will show you how to get rid of stains on your hands with natural remedies.
Stains on the hands: how to reduce them?

The spots on the hands usually appear with age, but there are also other factors that favor their appearance, such as the sun. As you already know, treatments to eliminate these imperfections often cost quite a bit, so why not try these easier and cheaper remedies?

In this article we will show you how to get rid of stains on your hands with natural remedies.

Remedies to remove stains on the hands

1. Aloe vera gel

aloe leaves

You know that the hands are extremely exposed to external aggression. Time, sun and dryness can cause these dark spots to appear that pop up without us realizing it and that, little by little, become more visible. They make them look older, more fragile, and suddenly the hands look less beautiful to us.

Applying a little aloe vera gel every day will allow the skin to gradually regenerate. This natural juice allows to treat the skin of the hands, to take care of it, to tone it and to reduce its spots.

It is the best and most useful remedy in everyday life. It also protects from the sun and prevents premature aging of the hands.

2. Lemon juice

lemon essential oils

Lemon juice is a natural ingredient that has been widely used since ancient times to whiten the skin. With this, you will gradually reduce the stains on your hands. To do this, it is essential to apply it at night because if the sun comes into contact with the skin soaked in lemon, it causes negative health effects.

Here’s how to proceed: mix the juice of half a lemon with two slices of cucumber. Pass these two slices of cucumber moistened with lemon juice on your hands and leave to act for 20 minutes. Afterwards, wash your hands normally.

3. Apple cider vinegar

remove stains on hands

This is another piece of advice that is as wonderful as it is effective. For sure you have apple cider vinegar at home, of which you already know the many properties. In this case it is useful to help reduce stains on the hands.

What do you have to do? Very simple: take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it with one of the moisturizer you usually use for your hands. Massage for 10-15 minutes and leave on overnight. It is very practical for removing stains on the hands.

4. Hydrogen peroxide

hydrogen peroxide

Care must be taken with this remedy: there are people who do not react well to hydrogen peroxide and to whom it produces burning and irritation. You have to make sure yourself whether you can use it or not.

The way to use it is very simple: at night soak the cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide and pass it on your hands letting them absorb it. Leave it on overnight.

As you can see, most of these remedies are applied at night to protect the hands from the effects of the sun. However, only aloe vera offers real protection from the sun’s rays. Do not hesitate to try these simple remedies to reduce stains on your hands.

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