Stress Makes You Fat: Tips To Avoid It

The consumption of dark chocolate, with 70% or 90% cocoa, lowers the levels of stress hormones, relieves fatigue and brings magnesium to our body 
Stress makes you fat: tips to avoid it

Stress is a reality that affects everyone and on the agenda. Sometimes, when it becomes chronic, it is normal for our body to begin to suffer changes: cortisol and insulin levels increase and often also our “food hedonism”, that is, that appetite that leads us to eat not out of necessity, but please. That’s why stress often makes you fat.

Faced with a stressful situation, our ancestors also experienced an increase in calories and fat. However, their situation was quite different as they  developed an “escape” response to a dangerous situation during which they exploited the energy reserve caused by stress.

We cannot escape from our work or our responsibilities and that is why we often resort to food to get a moment of pleasure. Our organism activates in us the need to ingest certain foods, even if we do not need to feed ourselves.

Therefore, stress often makes you fat , even if it doesn’t happen to everyone. For some people, in fact, the opposite happens. In most cases, however, it is customary to adopt some bad habits that it is good to know how to keep under control. Below we explain how to do it.

Why Does Stress Make You Fat?

Stress makes you fat

Stress is a signal from the body that warns us that something is a threat to us ; the body pushes us, in some way, to give an answer to this situation.

Our ancestors lived in constant danger of life, which they had to be able to recognize in order to avoid it and be able to survive. Nowadays, this feeling of danger, of stress, is no longer linked to physical stimuli, it is rather a psychological dimension: family, personal, work problems

This condition causes obvious changes in our body and weight gain is just one of them. Let’s see in more detail what happens.

Cortisol and insulin activity

Cortisol is a hormone that draws fat and glucose from adipose tissue and releases them into the bloodstream.

The activity of insulin, the hormone responsible for carrying glucose from the bloodstream to the cells to store it, is inhibited by cortisol so that the fat and glucose in the blood are used as a source of energy in the tissues that need it.

Sympathetic nervous system activity increases, particularly in diabetic people, causing obesity in stressful situations.

There is an increased urge to consume foods rich in fat and sugar, which act as opiates for the brain.

Stress in the workplace is associated, for example, with eating fast meals. It is common to eat junk food while working.

How to avoid getting fat due to stress


The best solution is to resolve the cause of the stress, be able to identify the source and manage the problem appropriately. Establishing a balance in our personal life by putting our priorities first  will help us to deal with the problem little by little. It is the first step to take, but let’s see together which points are essential to avoid stress making us fat.

Identify the moments when you have an uncontrolled desire to eat

It is about analyzing hunger, eating the main meals at the right times. Breakfast is essential and dinner must always be light.

When stressed, the brain cries out for food as it feels the need to attack anxiety; eating, therefore, gets pleasure and relaxes. Identify the moments in which this happens : before going to work? When do you come back home?

Recognizing them is the right way to control them. Avoid industrial foods, sugars, fats and replace them with the foods that we indicate below.

Nutrition suitable for counteracting stress

Stress makes you fat, yes, but some foods can instill calm and help keep your weight under control. Include them as long as you can:


Avocado contains some essential nutrients that lower levels of stress hormones, regulate blood pressure and provide a feeling of satiety.

Try to eat one avocado a day, which is when you are hungry during the day or in your salads.

Green tea

Cup of green tea

Although stress tends to make you fat, we can counteract this effect with the antioxidants of green tea. Polyphenols, flavonoids and catechins promote the elimination of fat and, more importantly, hold back the production of an inflammatory substance that causes hunger, also accelerating the metabolism.

Furthermore, green tea relaxes our body and our brain, regulating its basic functions. You can take it up to 3 times a day, but without adding sugar.


Another excellent antioxidant. Blueberries are excellent allies for the digestive system, kidneys and bladder. In addition to this, they possess excellent relaxing virtues.


Walnuts are an essential source of Omega 3. This fatty acid is very healthy as it stimulates the brain and lowers cholesterol. Walnuts are ideal as a snack and help fight stress.

Brown rice

Brown rice is a wonderful source of vitamin B. Try to include it in your diet, because when our body receives large doses of vitamin B, we accumulate less stress.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate

In the presence of stressful situations, dark chocolate, containing cocoa between 70 and 90%, is excellent : it reduces fatigue, provides magnesium and lowers cortisol levels. However, you must be careful with the quantities and take a maximum of 40 grams per day. Chew it slowly to encourage salivation.

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