Get Rid Of Fatty Liver With 6 Foods

To solve the fatty liver problem, it is essential to avoid alcohol consumption. In addition, you will need to follow a healthy and balanced diet and, as far as possible, based on natural foods.
Get rid of fatty liver with 6 foods

Is it possible to get rid of fatty liver? Fatty liver syndrome occurs when this organ begins to have difficulty in carrying out its usual functions due to the accumulation of fatty acids. It is more common in patients suffering from obesity, alcoholism, or type 2 diabetes.

It is asymptomatic at first, but over time it triggers a number of symptoms such as: abdominal pain, feeling of fatigue and bloating, among others. Fortunately, the effects are reversible, especially when diagnosed early and improving one’s lifestyle.

Can it be kept under control with natural remedies? No. It is necessary to follow a treatment prescribed by the doctor, and in parallel, to maintain healthy habits. Especially with regards to nutrition.

Although your doctor may prescribe medications, adjusting your eating habits is essential . Speaking of which, here are the foods to get rid of fatty liver .

Get rid of fatty liver with 6 foods

These are some of the foods that you can include in your diet (with medical advice), in case you suffer from fatty liver.

1. Tamarind

tamarind to get rid of fatty liver

According to the evidence reported in this study, tamarind could be one of the best fruits for fighting fatty liver. Being rich in fiber, it helps improve digestion while eliminating excess fat.


  • 20 tamarind leaves
  • 1 liter of water


  • Boil the water and add the tamarind leaves.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • You can take the infusion both cold and hot.

Another alternative is to take tamarind water, which is prepared in the following way:


  • 100 gr of peeled and peeled tamarind
  • 1 liter of water


  • Blend the tamarind with a glass of water.
  • Mix the liquid obtained with the remaining water and drink.

You can add a little honey or brown sugar, to give it a more pleasant aroma. You should avoid using artificial sweeteners, as these only worsen the fatty liver problem. 

Note : Both the herbal tea and the water can be taken at any time of the day, always without exceeding. Excessive intake of tamarind can cause stomach pains.

2. Legumes

The consumption of legumes is an effective remedy to get rid of fatty liver, thanks to the proteins contained in them. Being low in calories, they also help regulate weight. Their fiber content lowers cholesterol levels,  another risk factor for fatty liver sufferers.

When cooking them, avoid the use of fine salt. You can use coarse salt, always without exaggerating. You can also add spices, which will improve the flavor. The only thing you need to take into account when eating legumes is the importance of avoiding excesses.

3. Get rid of foie gras with strawberries

Getting rid of fatty liver with strawberries

Being rich in vitamin C, they are a highly recommended food to complement the diet.

Thanks to their delicious flavor, you won’t have a hard time taking them. You can include them in your raw diets, alone or in yogurt. You can also use them to make smoothies, salads or cereals. Below we propose the recipe for a delicious, very healthy smoothie made with strawberries.


  • 1 glass of strawberries (166 g)
  • A glass of low-fat natural yogurt (250 g)
  • A tablespoon of flax seeds (5 g)


  • Blend all the ingredients and drink it as soon as it’s ready.

4. Lemon

Lemon is a food  rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. In popular circles it is recommended in the form of a drink to improve liver health, however, doctors warn that this drink is in no case an effective cure or treatment.

How to use it?

  • For this remedy you will only need a glass of warm water and the juice of one lemon.

5. Wholemeal flours


Foods rich in simple carbohydrates are prohibited  if you suffer from fatty liver.

This does not mean that you cannot take carbohydrates, on the contrary they are necessary to have energy and carry out your activities.

We advise you to choose wholemeal flours, which are rich in fiber and facilitate fat reduction.  

By supplementing your diet with these products, you will avoid sugar spikes and an increase in LDL, or bad cholesterol, which are essential to get rid of fatty liver.

6. Spinach helps get rid of fatty liver

Green leafy vegetables must always be present in your diets, especially spinach. Thanks to their high fiber content, they are ideal for improving intestinal transit. Folic acid regulates the functions of the liver and kidneys.

If you’re not a big fan of spinach, consider adding them to your smoothies, and enjoy all their benefits.

Important note

If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver, you will need to follow your doctor’s instructions and, at the same time, maintain good lifestyle habits, especially regarding hydration and nutrition.

Consuming the aforementioned foods, by itself, does not help prevent or cure fatty liver, however it can contribute to better health.

If you are unsure of how to eat a balanced and healthy diet, consult your doctor or nutritionist.

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