Regulating High Cholesterol: 5 Useful Remedies

High cholesterol levels increase the risk of severe cardiovascular disease. For this reason we propose some natural remedies useful to regulate it.
Regulating high cholesterol: 5 useful remedies

Why is it so important to keep cholesterol levels within certain parameters? And how can high cholesterol be regulated?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance naturally produced by the liver. To a certain extent, the body uses it to form cell membranes or to make certain hormones. However, high levels of this substance can cause serious complications. How can high cholesterol be regulated?

Many times high cholesterol values ​​cause no obvious symptoms. For this reason, many have given this substance the label of “silent killer”. Without proper treatment, this condition can lead to heart attacks, strokes and other serious medical conditions.

Natural remedies to regulate high cholesterol

Natural remedies to regulate high cholesterol are obtained from medicinal plants and spices that reduce their concentration. Despite this, research on their positive effects is limited compared to that of conventional or pharmacological treatments.

So, although these options may be considered in order to control this condition, they should not replace the medications prescribed by the doctor.

In addition to this, it is important to seek medical advice regarding the safety of consuming these products, since some may interact negatively with drugs or have contraindications.

1. Astragalus

Astragalus ( Astragalus propinquus ) is a popular herb used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is frequently used to boost immunity and prevent infections. On the other hand, some studies suggest that by reducing cholesterol levels, it also benefits heart health.

How should it be taken?

  • Mix a tablespoon of powdered astragalus root with a glass of warm water.
  • Ingest the preparation on an empty stomach.
  • Take it at least 3 times a week.

2. Flax seeds

Flax seeds are very useful for regulating high cholesterol
Flax contains healthy fatty acids for the cardiovascular system.

Flax seeds have become very popular due to some interesting health properties they are endowed with. Thanks to their content of essential fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), they help prevent cardiovascular diseases. This is a good option for regulating high cholesterol.

How should they be taken?

  • You can put them in dozens of recipes, including salads and smoothies.
  • Another possibility is to immerse them in water: let them soak for a couple of hours, then add some lemon juice.
  • Consume the drink on an empty stomach or mid-morning every day.

3. Garlic to regulate high cholesterol

One of the best natural allies to regulate high cholesterol is the prodigious garlic. This bulb contains allicin and antioxidant compounds that contribute to the breakdown of lipids retained in the arteries. It reduces blood pressure and delays the course of atherosclerosis.

How should it be consumed?

  • Pound a clove of raw garlic.
  • Mix it with a spoonful of lemon juice.
  • Consume the preparation on an empty stomach every day.

Precautions:  raw garlic can be bad for some people; in this case its consumption must be avoided.

4. Artichoke

Artichokes to regulate cholesterol
The artichoke is a hepatoprotective food that helps to increase bile secretions.

The artichoke has important benefits for the body. Not only does it contribute to healthy weight loss, it also promotes the expulsion of toxins and helps regulate high cholesterol. It is, in fact, one of the most used natural products to promote liver activity.

How should it be taken?

  • You can prepare a large number of artichoke recipes. If you want to make a therapeutic use, however, the best option is to brew a tea.
  • Add two tablespoons of artichoke leaves to a liter of water.
  • Let it boil for several minutes and then let it rest.
  • When it is warm, drain it and consume it.
  • Drink 2 or 3 cups a day before main meals.
  • Follow the treatment for 15 days.

Precautions:  avoid consumption in case of obstruction of the bile duct or during pregnancy or during the lactation period.

5. Yerba mate to regulate high cholesterol

Yerba mate is a medicinal plant that stands out for its powerful antioxidant effect. Thanks to this property, the consumption of this infusion helps to regulate cholesterol. Apparently, the extracts are able to block the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, with the effect of reducing its accumulation within the body.

How should it be taken?

  • Add three teaspoons of the plant to half a liter of boiling water.
  • Cover the infusion and let it rest.
  • When it is lukewarm, filter it with a colander and consume it.
  • Drink 2 cups a day for two weeks. Stop for a week and resume treatment.

Precautions:  avoid the consumption of yerba mate if you suffer from anxiety, insomnia, uncontrolled hypertension or nervous system problems.

Do your blood tests show high cholesterol levels? Follow medical advice and supplement your treatment with these natural remedies. In addition, undergo regular checks to constantly monitor the values ​​and thus be able to keep them within the guard limits.

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