Tilapia: Here Are The 7 Benefits And Its Properties

Tilapia is a fish rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids and proteins. It can be a great ally of cardiovascular health and an ideal complement to the diet of pregnant women.
Tilapia: here are the 7 benefits and its properties

The tilapia is a group of fish of African origin, which is classified into various types: we find the blue tilapia , the Nile tilapia and the Mozambique tilapia.

They live in fresh and salty waters and in gastronomy they stand out for their pleasant taste  and for the ease with which different types of dishes can be prepared. This is because it is easily combined with other ingredients.

Tilapia is as well known as salmon or other varieties of oily fish, but it can be bought fresh from various fish shops.

It is low in calories and fat, and due to the richness of its essential nutrients, it is ideal for any healthy eating plan.

In fact,  it is an important source of vitamin D and high biological value proteins. After being assimilated by the body, they provide various benefits.  

Do you know them? Below we analyze the main 7 benefits of tilapia.

1. Tilapia is suitable for pregnant women

Pregnant woman

Fish is one of the foods that are usually included in the list of those dangerous for pregnant women.

However, since tilapia is low in mercury and provides omega 3 fatty acids, it is often recommended as a dietary supplement. 

  • Mercury is a toxic metal that has been found in dangerous quantities in fish such as swordfish, bluefin tuna and canesca.
  • The consumption of these types of fish should be avoided especially for children under 3 and pregnant women.

2. Contains DHA acid

The DHA content of tilapia is another reason why this fish is recommended for pregnant women.

L’ docosahexaenoic acid is part of the omega 3 fatty acids. It promotes the development of the central nervous system, brain and eyes of the fetus, which, overall, is key to its cognitive functions .

  • Pregnant mothers must consume at least 200 mg of DHA per day.
  • DHA, among other things, serves to improve blood circulation, visual health and brain skills.

3. Provides proteins

Tilapia fillets

If you look at the nutritional information, you will realize that it is a food with an important amount of proteins with a high biological value.

These essential nutrients, which participate in cognitive processes and metabolic health, among others, are assimilated more easily than when consumed through other foods.

  • Each 100-gram serving provides up to 20 grams of protein, which is a similar amount to that of chicken.
  • Proteins with a high biological value are those that contain the most amino acids and, therefore, are necessary to maintain a balanced diet.

4. Protects cardiovascular health

Adding tilapia to your regular diet is a simple and delicious way to provide important cardiovascular benefits.

Although DHA is not naturally produced in the body, it has important effects when obtained from food.

  • It helps improve blood circulation, a key factor in avoiding high blood pressure and heart problems.
  • It decreases the presence of bad cholesterol in the arteries, a major cause of atherosclerosis and heart and vascular diseases.

5. Improve digestion

girl with hands on belly

Unlike other types of meat, tilapia helps to improve the digestion process, not only thanks to its essential nutrients, but also to its texture.

  • It is not burdensome for the digestive system, and as it is digested quickly, it prevents inflammation and constipation.
  • It can be combined with vegetables to obtain complete and light dishes.

6. Prevents anemia

Although the iron content of tilapia is minimal, it has other nutrients that can help prevent anemia.

  • Vitamins of group B (B3, B6, B9 and B12)
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc

These nutrients also help maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

7. Helps maintain a healthy weight

Girl weighing herself

Thanks to its high biological value protein content and essential nutrients, tilapia is an excellent option for losing weight without nutritionally affecting our diet.

These nutritional principles favor the process of muscle mass formation, which  allows to improve the activity of the metabolism. 

  • It improves physical and mental performance, promoting endurance during sports.
  • It is a food that prolongs the feeling of satiety, decreasing the anxiety that leads us to always want to “nibble”.

Ready to include tilapia in your regular diet? You can cook it on the grill, in the oven or steamed. It will be delicious in every way.

Its flavor is not as strong as that of other fish, which will undoubtedly be of interest to many people.

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