8 Quick Exercises To Say Goodbye To Flabby Arms

To avoid injuries in trying to shape the arms, if we are not used to physical activity, it is very important to warm up and stretch before and after exercise.
8 quick exercises to say goodbye to flabby arms

The first step to saying goodbye to flabby arms is to understand that it is a cosmetic problem that occurs due to sudden weight changes and loss of skin elasticity.

Flaccidity is common from the age of 30, although due to overweight and a sedentary lifestyle it can also occur at a young age.

The worst thing is that the skin takes on a not very firm and sagging appearance, which leads us to be unattractive when we wear certain garments.

Fortunately, this is a condition that can be corrected, as long as you have the strength to constantly perform certain exercises.

While it is not possible to lose fat in just one part of the body, there are some exercises that allow you to say goodbye to flabby arms to increase muscle mass and give it a firmer appearance.

Since we know that many do not have the time to go to the gym, today we want to share with you 8 simple exercises that you can do at home. What are you waiting for?

8 exercises to say goodbye to flabby arms

1. Heating and flexibility

Warming and flexibility flabby arms

A simple movement like opening and closing the arms can be useful as a basic warm-up to strengthen the flexibility of our arms.

How you do it?

  • Standing with your back straight and your abdomen contracted, extend your arms out to the sides and then close them in front of your chest just like when you hug someone.
  • Do this repeatedly for about 30 to 40 seconds straight.

2. Exercise your arms by jumping rope

We can say that this is a two-in-one exercise because, in addition to helping us say goodbye to flabby arms, it is an excellent cardiovascular activity.

How you do it?

  • Grab the rope, jump three times on one foot and then jump with the other leg for about a minute without stopping.
  • Repeat the same movement with both legs, trying to increase the amount of times you jump with each foot.
  • The more force you exert with your leg while jumping, the more you will work your arms.

3. Pushups

Flaccid arm flexions

The classic push-ups continue to be one of the best movements for strengthening and toning biceps and triceps.

How to make?

  • Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat, rest on your palms and on your toes. The back must be straight.
  • Starting from this position, do 20 to 30 push-ups.

4. Weight lifting

Weight lifting is one of the most effective activities for toning your arms. It can be done keeping a single position or combining it with other exercises.

How you do it?

Stand with your legs spread at shoulder height, take a weight with each hand and begin flexing by applying pressure; make a series that lasts from 25 to 30 seconds.

5. Stretching and toning

Stretching and toning flabby arms

As you continue with the weights, you will increase the intensity a bit by stretching and toning your arms at the same time.

How you do it?

  • Starting from the previous position, lift each weight and extend your arm in front of you before lowering it again.
  • Make alternating movements with each arm and do about 20 repetitions.

6. Back and triceps pressure

This activity is great for flabby arms, but also helps relieve tension in the back, neck and shoulders.

How is it done?

  • With a weight in each hand, raise your arms above your head and apply a short pressure as you perform the movement.
  • Repeat about 20 times, rest and do another set.

7. Bridge with weights

Bridge with flaccid arm weights

The advantage of combining the bridge exercise with weights is that you practically work your entire body. This will tone the arms, firm the buttocks and help achieve a flat abdomen.

How you do it?

  • Lie on a yoga mat, raise your pelvis and apply pressure with your thighs.
  • With the abdomen contracted and the strength concentrated on the arms, raise and lower the weights from the bottom up.
  • Do 15 to 20 repetitions.

8. Work with rubber bands

In sporting goods stores, you can find bands specifically designed to exercise arms and build strength.

How you do it?

  • Separate your feet a little and put the elastic under them.
  • Then, keeping your feet still, grasp the end of the elastic with your hands and slowly raise and lower your arms without bending your back.
  • Repeat the exercise 30 times, rest and then do two more sets.

Since you now know how to tone and firm your arms at home, you have no excuse for not doing these exercises, so get ready to say goodbye to flabby arms.

Keep in mind that the results are not obtained in a short time, so it is very important to do the exercises consistently.

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