10 Immediate Effects Of Alcohol On Health

Although a glass of wine can be good for us, excess alcohol can be very harmful, so it is advisable to drink in moderation. 
10 immediate effects of alcohol on health

Alcoholic beverages are inevitably part of a series of social rituals in which we celebrate or share moments of fun. Alcohol consumption is common among adults of all ages and even young people start drinking alcohol at an early age.

Although numerous awareness campaigns have been carried out to inform about their negative effects on health, many people still continue to abuse alcohol frequently .

While most people are able to keep their urge to drink under control, not a few develop an addiction to it.

The most worrying thing is that there is a strong economic and social interest that prevents its sale from being banned or strongly regulated.

For this reason,  we must be aware of the consequences of alcohol abuse and choose what favors our health. Since its immediate effects are the most ignored, we want to mention them in detail below.

1. Alcohol causes imbalances in sugar levels

sugar levels

Typically, blood sugar levels drop or rise in considerable amounts immediately after ingesting an alcoholic drink . This reaction leads to a feeling of weakness which can be accompanied by nausea and difficulties with orientation.

2. Alteration of heart rhythm

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages  can cause an acceleration of the pulse and heart activity. The toxins they contain do not take long to travel through the bloodstream, as a result they damage the different systems of the body and heart.

3. Alcohol causes redness of the skin

alcohol and itching

Another effect that alcohol has on the circulatory system is that it increases vasodilation and, in turn, causes visible redness of the skin.

In fact, some people have noticeable changes in their body temperature and sweating.

4. Blurred vision

Unclear vision is one of the effects that most occurs among people who overindulge in alcohol consumption. Toxins that travel through the blood reduce vision making everything appear blurry.

This reaction is very dangerous, not only because it damages ocular health in the long term, but because it is one of the factors affecting the increase in accidents.

5. Alcohol and lack of coordination

alcohol and coordination

A person who takes too much alcohol in one night will hardly be able to keep his coordination capacity under control.

The body not only sees itself weak, but also loses its balance and its reflexes are reduced. Because of this, the subject is exposed to falls or other more serious accidents. It should also be noted that alcohol affects inhibition by reducing the ability to self-control.

6. Digestive problems

Alcohol alters the natural pH of the stomach and can lead to irritation and inflammation of the lining that protects against the acidity of gastric juices. This situation affects the development of problems such as gastritis or acid reflux.

In the long run, it can also cause more serious consequences, such as duodenal ulcers, stomach or esophageal cancer.

7. Dehydration

dehydrated mouth

The kidneys are among the organs that suffer the most from the abuse of this type of drink. As they are overworked to eliminate toxins through urine, fluids and mineral salts essential for hydration are lost.

8. Alcohol and headaches

The high levels of toxins and the difficulty of the metabolism to work at an adequate rate result in the famous headache of a hangover.

It happens that, a few hours after ingesting alcohol, the tension of the muscles increases and severe pains such as migraines occur.

9. Vomiting

girl with nausea

Nausea and vomiting are common when consuming large amounts of alcohol or trying an excessively strong drink.

This reaction is generally accompanied by severe digestive discomfort, as well as nausea and difficulty maintaining balance. Some people are unable to tolerate even moderate amounts and present such symptoms instantly.

10. Liver problems

The liver is the most important organ in the process of metabolizing the substances contained in alcohol. For this reason, excesses damage it directly and can cause difficulties, as well as prevent it from functioning as it should.

If the levels of intoxication are continuous and out of control, liver degeneration becomes fibrous and liver cirrhosis occurs

As you have noticed, you should not under any circumstances exceed in the consumption of this type of drink. Although it can be taken on an occasional basis, the best thing is to learn how to manage alcohol consumption.

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