Do Vitamins Bring More Energy?

Scientific evidence shows that vitamin B2 acts as a key supplement for cell energy. Yet this is not enough to increase our vitality. Let’s see in detail how we can get more energy.
Do vitamins bring more energy?

Vitamins are essential micronutrients that participate in numerous metabolic processes. It is necessary to ensure their consumption, given that their deficit can favor the appearance of diseases. As if that weren’t enough, they are directly associated with energy production.

We remember that there are two types of vitamins: the water-soluble ones and the fat-soluble ones. The former dissolve in water, the latter in fat. This makes it possible to accumulate in our body only the vitamins that can be stored in fat tissue. The water-soluble ones, on the other hand, are eliminated through the urine.

In this article we will deal with the case of the water-soluble vitamins of group B. The latter intervene in a multitude of processes associated with energy metabolism, as confirmed by various scientific studies.

How to get more energy?

The main nutrients for energy are carbohydrates and fats. One or the other nutrient will have more space based on our metabolism: aerobic or anaerobic.

Yet for the energetic reactions to be activated, the presence of catalyst substances is essential. These are, specifically, the B vitamins. Many of the energy reactions take place in the mitochondria; cellular respiration depends on these organelles, among other things.

Scientific literature suggests that vitamin B2 acts as a fundamental cofactor for the energy contribution obtained by the cell. But that doesn’t mean that with vitamin supplements or increased consumption of them, our vitality levels will rise accordingly.

Unless there is an underlying deficit, there is no study that can show that an increase in these substances in our body can result in greater energy production.

Vitamin B
Vitamin B acts as an essential cofactor for obtaining energy from cells. However, there is no evidence to prove its effectiveness in increasing energy levels.

Increase energy levels with vitamins

If we want to increase energy levels, the best thing to do is to have a healthy and balanced diet. In addition to this, regular physical activity is required. Doing so will improve the effectiveness of energy reactions, muscle adaptations will occur and hormone levels will restore.

Some nutritional deficits can be associated with fatigue. A typical example is the pathology known as anemia, which consists of a reduction in oxygen carrying capacity due to a vitamin B12 or iron deficiency.

The latter is, in turn, due to strict meat-free diets and the athletes’ habit of traveling long distances. For these reasons, excluding a food group from our diet can be counterproductive when we want to improve our health.

Supplements that have been proven effective

There are several ergogenic aids capable of increasing our energy and our performance. This is the case of caffeine, capable of improving the activity of the cognitive system and limiting the appearance of fatigue, according to what is stated in the scientific literature.

This substance, considered toxic if taken in high quantities, increases the sensation of available energy. However, its consumption is reduced to a limited dosage spectrum and there are cases where it is not recommended.

On the other hand, it is safe in the medium and long term, as it is associated with the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. Some scientific articles support this claim, so the consumption of moderate doses of this substance is recommended.

Vitamins and caffeine
When taken in moderate doses, caffeine can have positive effects on the body.

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Vitamins and energy: what must be clear?

Although B vitamins are associated with energy metabolism, there is no evidence that consuming vitamins results in increased energy and vitality levels.

For this purpose, the wisest choice is to eat a varied and balanced diet. Avoiding the restrictions of certain food groups will help to avoid running into nutritional deficiencies. Furthermore, this will allow an optimal functioning of the cellular and energy metabolism that will keep the organism in good condition.

There are some ergogenic aids to improve, albeit temporarily, energy levels. Caffeine appears to be a great option for this purpose. It also helps reduce the chances of suffering from a neurodegenative disease in the long run.

However, if you have any doubts about the quality of your diet, the best thing to do is to consult a nutritionist for advice. This professional figure helps to define a food plan that fights physical and mental fatigue.

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