Strengthen The Buttocks With Simple And Effective Exercises

Regardless of the exercise you choose, you should always adapt the reps and weight to your abilities and gradually increase over time for better results.
Strengthen the buttocks with simple and effective exercises

Today we propose some exercises to strengthen the buttocks and thus improve your appearance. This will help these muscles to tone and look well defined.

Commit yourself to adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes daily training with the exercises that we propose in this article. These will not only contribute to your well-being, but will help you look better.

Exercises to strengthen the buttocks

If you go to the gym, you will probably already know some of the exercises we offer you. If not, don’t worry. We will explain everything to you in detail, so that you can practice them at home and, over time, notice the progress. Of course, if you want, you can also do them in the gym or before you go there.

1. Squat

The squat is a classic exercise and certainly could not be missing from our list. If this is your first time doing this, you will need to be careful to maintain the correct posture. This exercise should be performed as if you were sitting on a chair.

The problem is that they sometimes cause pain in the knees. A problem that can occur when the knees bend beyond the line of the feet or when the pelvis is not well positioned back.

If you are familiar with squats, you can also add weights. In some cases the classic barbell is used, but dumbbells are also fine.

As you do the exercise, try to lower your glutes slightly. It is a good way to strengthen them even more. Another variant is the one called sumo, in which you have to spread the legs more.

  • Do 3 sets of 10 squats.
  • Rest for 2 minutes between sets.

2. Back lunges to strengthen the glutes

Strengthen the buttocks with squats

Surely you already know the exercise that consists of taking a step forward and bending the knee until it touches the floor. However, to strengthen the buttocks, the step will have to be done backwards. Be careful to always keep your back straight.

During the exercise we have 2 options:

  • Alternate the steps consecutively, first with one leg and then with the other.
  • Alternatively, (this is the most used option) you can do several repetitions first with one leg and then with the other.
  • We recommend doing 3 sets of 10 lunges for each leg.
  • Rest for 1-2 minutes after each set.

It is important to remember that as you become confident with this exercise, you will be able to add the use of weights. With dumbbells or a barbell, in fact, you can get even more toned buttocks.

Thanks to the image above it will be clearer how to perform the back lunges.

3. Lifting the pelvis

This exercise has several names, but we simply call it “pelvis lift”. This exercise is performed lying on the floor, with your legs resting while you push your hips up as far as we can.

You should never keep your feet on tip. They must be completely flat on the floor. This exercise can also be done by resting the legs on a ball, wall or any support.

Again, over time, you can gain weight. With a barbell or discs resting securely on the abdomen, you will increase the effort.

  • Do 3 or 4 sets of 10 lifts each.
  • Rest for 3-4 minutes between sets.

4. The little dog

Donna trains to strengthen her buttocks

This exercise is performed using four points of support (hands and knees) starting from the classic position of the dog. There are two very effective variants that will allow you to strengthen your glutes easily. Let’s see them together:

1 – Side lifting

  • Starting from the position of the dog, you will have to bring the leg to complete extension, after performing a half lateral rotation.
  • The leg must remain in the initial position, bent, and the only movement to be made is to the side (as in the image above):
  • Perform 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.

1 – Leg lift

Women train the buttocks
  • The movement to perform in this position is to raise the leg upwards.
  • In addition, it will also need to remain bent as we contract the gluteal muscles so that the leg remains elevated as much as possible.
  • Perform 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.

5. Deadlift to strengthen the buttocks

Whenever we perform this exercise, it seems to us that it produces no effect. In fact, it is necessary to lift a heavy weight and above all do it in the right way.

  • To perform the deadlift you will need to keep your knees slightly bent, while the pelvis will be held slightly back.
  • With the barbell in your hands, tilt your torso towards the ground, keeping your gaze forward so that your back is straight, then climb up.
  • In this phase, the pelvis will be brought forward as you straighten your legs.
  • The important thing is to push with your buttocks, while going up. A good advice is to perform the exercise using the help of a platform, which will allow you to lower yourself more and, therefore, to increase the effort.

Final remarks

Did you already know these exercises to strengthen the buttocks? Do you think some work better than others?

Don’t forget that if you don’t know how many repetitions to perform, the magic number is between 10 and 12. A 30 second break between sets will allow you to catch your breath and train with greater intensity.

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