DIY Remedies For Boils

It is very important to increase hygiene and to apply alcohol or iodine several times a day. Never squeeze the boil, so as not to expand the infection.
DIY remedies for boils

Boils are a skin problem that occurs when hair follicles become infected; These are not serious injuries, but they can be quite painful as they cause severe irritation around the affected area.

These lesions are very common and can occur anywhere on the body, although the areas most affected by painful pimples are the face, armpits, buttocks, shoulders, groin and inner thighs.

Why do boils form?

These lesions appear as insignificant red spots, which hurt a little. However, as the hours pass, the pain can become more intense and the size of the pimple increases due to inflammation.

The pimples are produced by a bacterial infection (in particular, Staphylococcus aureus), although this is not the only cause of the formation of pimples. In fact, these may be due to other reasons, including, for example:

  • blood poisoning
  • diabetes
  • bad hygiene
  • poor nutrition

Natural remedies to treat boils

egg membrane is an excellent remedy for treating boils
  • Place a piece of the membrane found in the egg skin on the affected area.
  • Prepare a poultice with peeled and grated raw carrot, mixed with a little wheat germ. Place directly on the boil and cover with a clean cloth.
  • Apply hot water compresses, soaking a clean cloth. This procedure must be done at least three times a day; when the boil bursts, it is necessary to continue the treatment so that it is emptied of all its contents.
  • Mix one tablespoon of honey, one of brewer’s yeast and one of wheat flour. Turn to form a soft paste to be applied directly to the affected area. Cover with a cloth and leave to act overnight.
  • Is this a problem you suffer from frequently? If so, we recommend that you drink the cooking water of eighty grams of nettles in a liter of water: drink it by distributing it three times during a day, to purify the body and cleanse the blood.

Other tips

Don’t squeeze the boil!

A boil is a delicate lesion and you shouldn’t put pressure on it – doing so can be dangerous, because bacteria can be pushed into the blood and invade other parts of the body (sepsis).

When they form on areas such as the lips or nose, squeezing them can be a risk because the infection could reach the brain (meningitis).

The affected part must be kept very clean

it is important to keep the area around the boil clean

It is vital to keep the entire area surrounding the boil very clean ; to do this, you can use a cloth or a cotton swab and some alcohol or iodine tincture.

It is necessary to clean this part and the surrounding area three or four times a day. It is important to wash in the shower and not take a bath, because if the water does not flow it is easier to spread the infection to other parts of the body.

When cleaning a boil it is best to use gloves; However, whether you do it or not, the most important thing is to wash your hands thoroughly before touching food.

Warning signs: when you need to go to the doctor

If you are treating a boil and notice the following symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately as these are clear indications that the infection is spreading:

  • around the boil you can see a fairly red area
  • the lymphatic ganglia located near the boil present some degree of pain
  • a red line emerges from the area around the boil and extends outside the area
a redness around the boil can be a good reason to go to the doctor


Having a boil is not a serious problem, but it is still good to treat it properly, so that the problem does not spread and does not turn into an infection that requires more specialized procedures.

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