Don’t Be Afraid To Lose Those Who Don’t Appreciate Your Company

If you have to lose someone who doesn’t deserve you, don’t suffer. Those who don’t know how to value you don’t even deserve a minute of your time
Don't be afraid of losing those who don't appreciate your company

Do not be afraid of losing those who do not see you even if they look at you,  those who do not listen to you, do not hear you, those who do not feel lucky to have you.

Let go of those who make you feel empty when you are born to always feel full, complete, worthy and courageous.

We have all, at least once, experienced this sensation. Perhaps in a couple relationship, in friendship or, even worse, at a family level.

Feeling the bleak feeling of not being valued by others or appreciated by people with whom we have a close and meaningful bond is one of the worst emotional problems.

It is especially so when this feeling is experienced by a child with respect to his parents and it is, obviously, when we live a couple relationship and the other person makes us feel alone, does not take care of us.

People need to feel valued and nurtured with attention, consideration and affection.

If what we perceive is not rejection, but a real emptiness or low quality of the bond, our self-esteem will suffer.

Reacting to these situations is not easy. It is not for a simple reason: because the person who suffers usually does not admit it and those who create the emptiness or the emotional lack neither.

Today in our space we propose you to deepen these dynamics so destructive that abound in every type of relationship. Don’t be  afraid of losing  those who don’t deserve you.

They are close to us, but they make us feel alone

Woman body with flowers

Human beings need to establish bonds with their fellow men. Family, friends, partner, etc, are an essential pillar for our well-being. We all need to bond with someone.

It is in this way that we learn, so that we love and that we introduce ourselves into the magical world of friendships that enrich us, in which sooner or later we will consolidate the relationship with someone and then form a family.

We are not islands of solitude, we are social beings who need affection and who are happy to love.      

Well, not everyone can offer affection in the same way. Many do not know how to take care of others, they do not know that a relationship is a mutual play of energies, in which both bring something.

For this, you can sometimes try:

  • The feeling that our words and opinions are not valued.
  • Be sure that the other person (partner, mother, friend, sister ..) is not really interested in what happens to us, how we are, what we think and feel.

When it happens, when these people are by our side, but “they don’t see us”, a very hard phase begins that it is necessary to know how to face.

Sometimes the chosen loneliness is better than the projected one

It is good to know how to differentiate between chosen loneliness and projected loneliness. The first refers to the option we all have of choosing our path and starting new projects on our own, simply in our company.

It is an act of courage that undoubtedly requires taking risks. However, by choosing ourselves, we will be fine, we will have a right feeling of control.

Conversely, when other people are on our side but make us feel empty,  underappreciated and unimportant, a decision needs to be made.

The loneliness that others project with their attitude and their emotional and affective poverty is, without a doubt, one of the most harmful sensations. Reacting in time means preventing our self-esteem and our self-concept from being damaged.   

Always remember that your own satisfying company will be better than that of someone who does not value us.

Fear of losing those who don’t deserve us: we often receive the love we believe we deserve

Fear of losing people

It is an evident reality that we will all have lived or observed in the people close to us: there are those who find the love they believe they deserve.           

There are, for example, people who:

  • “Yes, he has his flaws and his obsessions, but he is the person who struck me”.
  • “We have our bad days, but a known evil is better than an unpredictable novelty”.
  • “I’m fine with this person, because in reality I don’t know how to be alone”.

Little by little and without realizing it, these people “resign” themselves to a certain relationship because they think they cannot aspire to anything else,  because it is what life has given them and they must accept it.

Is a mistake. Nobody deserves to be despised, to feel alone when in company. We deserve full happiness, the living and authentic one, and this can be achieved alone or as a couple.

Let’s first learn to be the people we deserve. 

Don’t be afraid of losing those who don’t deserve you

Couple walks away

It’s simple: do not be afraid, do not hesitate to let go, to say goodbye to those who do not make you feel good,  to those who do not love you as you deserve, to those who do not see in you a gift and a gift that makes their life wonderful. .

Don’t settle for less than what you deserve. Take care of your self-esteem and your emotional and psychological well-being, leaving aside those who undermine your dignity.

Life is too short to not get what we really deserve: calm, well-being and personal satisfaction.

Don’t be afraid of losing those who don’t make you feel good.

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