Eat Less During Quarantine: Here’s How

The quarantine period is forcing us to a forced rest, with the risk of gaining weight. Here are the strategies to eat less without going hungry.
Eat Less During Quarantine: Here's How

Among the many thoughts, in times of Coronavirus, there is also that of gaining weight. In this period the energy expenditure has decreased, causing the reduction of physical activity. We must therefore be able to eat less during the quarantine in order to maintain the caloric balance.

There is a way to reduce the daily consumption of certain foods and achieve physical well-being, without however suffering from hunger or anxiety. The solution is to act on the hormonal response that regulates the mechanism of appetite and satiety. Here are some tips for eating less during quarantine without getting too stressed.

Eat less during the quarantine: some tips

Intermittent fasting

Skipping breakfast triggers an increased production of growth hormones and, therefore, an increase in lipolysis. In addition to this, thanks to a series of hormonal interactions between GH (growth hormone or growth hormone) and ghrelin, you are less likely to be hungry in the morning than at other times of the day.

During the fasting period it is allowed to drink black coffee, tea, water and non-calorie drinks. You can take advantage of the anorectic (appetite suppressing) effects of coffee to reduce the need for food in the morning. Remember not to sweeten it so as not to break the hormonal mechanisms of fasting.

According to a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition ESPEN , this diet plan would significantly improve body composition. Furthermore, to the advantage of the lipid profile and insulin sensitivity.

If you don’t suffer from migraines often or are pregnant, this plan may be for you. Start by trying not to have breakfast for at least three days a week.

If you already have experience with intermittent fasting, you can extend this advice to every day. Experienced people can fast for 24 hours a week to reduce their overall calorie intake even further.

Plate with clock hands and cutlery
During the quarantine you can try the intermittent fasting technique to reduce your total calorie intake.

Oatmeal as a carbohydrate of choice

Satiety allows us to regulate food consumption. If you can control this mechanism, you will be able to ingest fewer calories. Some foods have the ability to induce satiety, usually those rich in protein and fiber.

One such food is oatmeal. L ‘Oats are rich in beta-glucans cereal, molecules that can dampen hunger, as highlighted in the journal Nutrition Reviews . It also selectively stimulates bacterial growth inside the intestine.

Positive changes in the gut microbiota improve body composition. This is what a research published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine states .

More vegetables in quarantine

The best way to reduce your daily calories is to save processed foods. Instead, we prioritize fresh foods, especially vegetables and fruits. The vegetable contains a large amount of water and fiber; in this way we increase hydration and stimulate the mechanisms of satiety.

Another benefit of these foods is the low calorie content. You can therefore indulge in an abundant consumption of fruits and vegetables without fear of a negative impact on the total calorie count. Accompanying your dishes with a nice portion of vegetables is a good way to calm your appetite and anxiety.

Don’t forget that these foods contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants; they are all nutrients that ensure the proper functioning of the body.

Pot with broad beans
The abundant consumption of vegetables during the quarantine allows you to fill up on micronutrients and keep calories under control.

Eat less during the quarantine

Eating less during the quarantine is possible by knowing how to organize and choose the foods. Achieving an intermittent fast and prioritizing the consumption of fresh foods over industrial ones are two good strategies when you want to limit calorie intake.

It is also advisable to choose foods rich in fiber. In this way it is possible to stimulate satiety mechanisms and keep anxious hunger at bay. Avoid buying products rich in sugar so as not to fall into temptation. Instead, fill your pantry with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

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