Spinach, Apple And Lemon Smoothie For Abdominal Fat

This smoothie is good for our figure, but its action is not limited to making us lose abdominal fat. It improves liver function and helps to expel toxins.
Spinach, apple and lemon smoothie for abdominal fat

Today we will talk about a spinach, apple and lemon smoothie that can help us improve our figure and stay healthy too. In fact, we often consider abdominal fat only an aesthetic problem, without considering that it is also very dangerous.

This fat that accumulates around the waist has major negative health effects, ranging from heart disease to type II diabetes. In addition to these, which are the most common problems, it leads to secondary ailments such as a sense of suffocation or sleep apnea.

Abdominal fat is fatty tissue that accumulates around the viscera, under the diaphragm and on the chest wall; therefore do not underestimate the need to lead a correct diet and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

Today we recommend that you introduce this simple and tasty spinach, apple and lemon smoothie into your diet that helps us take care of our health and reduce the waistline.

Abdominal fat: can it be eliminated?

Reduce abdominal fat

Many of us think that abdominal fat is impossible to get rid of. It is believed to be necessarily linked to the passing of the years or even an unavoidable genetic trait. All this leaves us in the belief that we can do nothing but accept it.

However, this is not the case. We must understand that abdominal fat is a direct danger to our health and that, on the contrary, it can be reduced.

The issue is not so much having a flat stomach, but reducing the waistline to return to a healthy body mass index. For this reason, it is important to take into account the following fundamental aspects:

Improve liver function

The liver is a vital digestive organ; it allows us to eliminate fats and all those toxins that tend to inflame. The liver improves digestion and produces bile, which is essential for eliminating excess fat. A healthy and functioning liver allows us to:

  • Reduce the volume of the abdomen.
  • Eliminate toxins and fight water retention.
  • Having a greater amount of energy available that will make us feel more active and less sedentary.
  • Maintain a more balanced cholesterol level.

We choose the right foods

Most of the time we eat more for pleasure than for genuine hunger. We are more tempted by a dish of cheese, meat and fatty foods than a simple salad.

In the evening, due to lack of time, we orient ourselves on ready and fast foods and all this has an impact on the body and on our life.

  • The diet we adopt, if correct, allows us to reduce up to 80% of abdominal fat.
  • There is no need to completely eliminate fat from our diet. It is a question of maintaining a balance, of eating more “with the head” than with the belly.
  • We give preference to healthy fats such as olive oil, we consume more fiber-rich foods that satisfy us more and we never forget the importance of vegetable proteins.
  • We try to eliminate sugar from our table and limit the consumption of salt.
  • Finally, remember that to reduce abdominal fat, you need to drink between one and a half liters and two liters of water a day,  in small sips throughout the day.

Spinach, apple and lemon smoothie to reduce abdominal fat

Spinach apple and lemon smoothie

This spinach, apple, and lemon smoothie doesn’t eliminate abdominal fat on its own. Rather, it is a supplement that, if included regularly in the diet, will allow you to:

  • Feel fuller until dinner time.
  • Improve liver health, thanks to the high content of antioxidants and vitamins.
  • Lemon will help you alkalize your body and eliminate excess lipids and toxins.
  • Green apple contains essential bioelements to accelerate metabolism. To achieve this effect, it is important to also consume the peel.
  • Raw spinach provides energy, iron, protein and fiber. They are a food with high nutritional value and also contain thylakoids, compounds that not only give a sense of satiety, but also stimulate weight loss.


  • 1 cup of raw spinach (40 g)
  • 1 green apple
  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • First of all, carefully wash the spinach leaves and the apple. It is important that the spinach is raw, organically grown and free of pesticides. The same goes for the apple.
  • Cut the apple into wedges and remove the internal seeds.
  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and pour it into the blender along with the other ingredients: spinach, apple and glass of water. Blend all the contents until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • There may still be some small pieces of apple peel. Consume them anyway, they are very good.

As you have seen, this spinach smoothie is very easy to prepare, it is rich in vitamins and nutrients that allow you to start the day in the best way. If you wish, you can have another one before dinner.

In this way, we gradually promote the loss of abdominal fat, as long as you follow a correct diet and do some physical exercise.

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