Flaking Nails: 9 Reasons

To prevent nails from weakening and flaking, you must protect them properly when using cleaning products, avoid eating them and moisturize them carefully.
Flaking nails: 9 reasons

Do you also have the problem of flaking nails? Find out more in this article!

In recent years, nails have become an important element of female beauty, especially because they are considered a business card.

Fashion and trends highlight the role and appearance of nails which, in fact, are an important part of any look.

A large percentage of the nail structure is made up of a type of protein called keratin which, along with vitamins and minerals, is essential for keeping nails strong and healthy.

Although many products are designed to preserve the condition of the nails, they can sometimes prove too aggressive to damage them.

The problem is that many people are unaware of this and, without realizing it, they deteriorate their nails because they are neglected.

For this reason, today we want to tell you about the 9 reasons that cause the phenomenon of  flaking nails . Let’s find out together!

Flaking nails: 9 reasons

Biting your nails

1. Biting your nails

The habit of nail biting, called onychophagy in the medical field, is very common in both children and adults.

It may seem like a way to relieve anxiety and stress, but over time it risks deforming your nails and causing serious infections.

As the nails are continually abused, their structure weakens and therefore they flake off more easily.

2. Scrape off the nail polish

Nail polishes allow you to decorate this part of the hands with different styles, designs and colors. However, there are those who have a bad habit of scratching the nail polish off a few days after application.

This practice, even if it seems harmless, is dangerous for the nails because it damages the surface layer that protects them.

The ideal is to use specific products to remove nail polish, making sure, however, that they do not contain substances harmful to the nails.

3. Neglecting the cuticles


The cuticles are the most neglected part when it comes to caring and beautifying the nails.

Some people cut them with nail clippers, while others remove them with their teeth like when they bite their nails.

However, what not everyone knows is that the cuticles are a key part of the good health of the nails and neglecting them can mean a progressive weakening of the nails themselves.

To avoid these problems, you can opt for the cuticle cutter or for special products to remove the dead skin that accumulates on the sides of the nail.

4. File the surface of the nails

Filing the surface of the nails is not recommended because, in addition to weakening the structure, it can favor the proliferation of some bacteria or fungi.

5. Flaking nails: file the sides of the nail

File your nails

Some people, wanting to give their nails a square shape, go overboard in filing the sides and end up damaging an important part.

Even if it is not noticed at first, the deterioration of this part of the nail leads to a weakening of the nails which, therefore, flake off.

6. Abusing gel reconstruction

Women who struggle to control anxiety and bite their nails tend to resort to gel reconstruction to always have a perfect manicure.

Although the gel gives the nails a wonderful appearance, when removed, important nutrients are lost and the structure of the nail is significantly affected.

For this reason, it is essential to consult a professional so that he can remove the gel with the right products without damaging the natural nail.

7. Flaking nails: neglect nail protection


Did you know that the chemicals contained in household cleaning products are very aggressive on the nails ? Know that they are one of the main causes why nails weaken and flake.

Not wearing gloves when cleaning the house and handling household hygiene products with bare hands significantly compromises the appearance and health of the nails.

8. Use your nails as work tools

Warning! Nails are not work tools, although in some cases they are useful.

Using your fingernails to peel off labels, scratch something off or open containers can weaken and even break them instantly.

Try to use other tools to accomplish these tasks, protect your nails so as not to damage them.

9. Neglecting nail hydration

Moisturize your nails

Like any other part of the body, nails also need continuous hydration to stay strong, long and healthy.

In addition to increasing your water intake, get yourself a specific moisturizer for nails and cuticles.

Do you make these mistakes too? If you feel concerned, then work hard to give your nails the care they deserve.

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