Fight Alcoholism With 3 Remedies

Fighting alcoholism is quite difficult and requires ongoing psychological and family support. Fortunately, some natural remedies can effectively complement the therapy. Discover with us 3 interesting options.
Fight alcoholism thanks to 3 remedies

Alcoholism, or alcohol addiction, can cause neurochemical and brain dysfunction. As a result, alcoholics do not control their behavior and feel unable to quit alcohol. Are there any natural remedies that help fight alcoholism?

It must be said that dealing with this condition is a real challenge for psychotherapists, patients and family members, since, like any addiction, abstinence is a very pleasant experience.

Nonetheless, a combination of healthy habits, psychological help, and therapy can help overcome the problem. At the same time, there are some remedies that can offer some additional benefits.

Remedies to combat alcoholism

Alcoholism is a chronic disease. Sufferers consume an excessive amount of alcoholic beverages despite the negative effects on health, work, family and social life, as well as other areas, such as legal ones.

Prolonged and excessive consumption of these substances causes withdrawal syndrome when trying to avoid them.

Fighting alcoholism is possible.

Alcohol dependence has a negative impact on physical and mental health, because it intoxicates the body and alters the nervous system. Following this, alcoholics develop serious illnesses and problems such as anxiety and depression.

Fortunately, today we know several remedies to support therapy aimed at those seeking to recover from addiction. Among these there are some of natural origin that according to popular wisdom would help to curb the desire to drink and to calm some effects of alcohol on the body. Take note!

1. Zucchini leaf juice

Due to its antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content, zucchini leaf juice is considered a healthy drink, useful in the fight against alcoholism. It offers a prolonged sense of satiety, therefore it has a calming effect on anxiety ; thanks to this it also seems to contribute to the control of the withdrawal syndrome.


  • 2 tablespoons of zucchini leaf juice (30 ml)
  • 1/2 glass of whey (100 ml)


  • Pound the courgette leaves and get two tablespoons of juice.
  • At this point, mix with half a glass of whey.
  • Drink this remedy on an empty stomach every day.

2. Celery smoothie to combat alcoholism

Celery stalk smoothie.

According to popular tradition, celery extract has some medicinal uses and appears to help fight alcohol addiction. Thanks to its high antioxidant content, it mitigates some harmful effects of alcohol on cells. In addition, it provides vitamins to the body and provides relief from anxiety.


  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)


  • Wash the celery stalks well and cut them.
  • Then, blend them with half a glass of water.
  • Drink on an empty stomach.

3. Melon seeds and guava leaves

Melon seeds have been studied for their antioxidant properties. Thanks to the phenols contained in their juice, they are considered allies of important physiological processes. There are those who think, in fact, that they are a valid ally to fight free radicals and detoxify the body.

In this case, they are combined with guava leaves to obtain a drink useful to combat alcoholism. Consuming this smoothie improves liver health and stimulates the metabolism of alcohol and waste substances.

Sliced ​​melon.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of melon seeds (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped guava leaves (20 g)


  • Add the melon seeds and guava leaves to two cups of boiling water.
  • Cover and leave to infuse for about 10 minutes.
  • Filter with the help of a colander and drink.
  • Take it twice a day: the first on an empty stomach and the other in the afternoon.
  • Repeat the intake for 2 weeks, stop for a week and then start again.

To keep in mind!

The remedies mentioned are solutions of natural origin useful to combat alcoholism. However, it is clear that they do not work miracles. They should be taken in order to calm the effects of alcohol on the body, as well as reduce anxiety.

There is little scientific evidence on their efficacy and is mainly based on anecdotal data. We cannot therefore guarantee its validity in any case. It is not even said that they do not cause unwanted effects or interactions.

In light of this, it is advisable to consult your doctor before consuming them, especially if you are taking medications. There are many therapies that help fight this addiction, but their success will largely depend on the commitment and willpower of the individual.

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