Exercises For The Lower Back To Do At Home

The lumbar area is one of the parts of the body that is most affected by the bad postures we assume every day. To tone the muscles in this area, we propose some exercises to perform at home.
Exercises for the lower back to do at home

Daily activities often force us to adopt an incorrect posture. Sitting, often hunched over, for several hours a day weakens the lower back in the long run. For this reason, today we propose some exercises for the lower back to be performed at home.

Back problems are often related to the type of chair used. In order to keep the back straight, the leg joint should in fact be flexed to 90 degrees, but this position is not at all natural. To compensate and get a wider flexion, the body tends to slide on the chair and so we find ourselves hunching our back to get closer to the desk or computer.

The back muscles are affected by this position, as they remain too tense and this weakens them. The buttocks also tend to atrophy due to the lack of movement. And if we don’t have strong buttocks, the whole structure suffers. And it is in this case that the dreaded back pain manifests itself.

Fortunately, however, there are some lower back exercises that allow us to easily calm the discomfort. In the next lines we present some of them to be performed by lifting the legs and arms.

Exercises for the lower back

Man with low back pain.
The abs, legs and back play an important role in strengthening the lower back.

To relieve pain, tension, stiffness and discomfort in the lower back, you need to strengthen the abdominal, lower back and leg muscles. In this way, possible back injuries can be prevented.

For this purpose it is possible to carry out some extremely simple exercises at home that do not require the use of tools. To appreciate the benefits, these strengthening exercises for the lower back, abs and legs should be performed three times a week.

It is also essential to do them on a regular basis, adopting a correct posture, so that you can get the right relief.

Note : Before performing these exercises, it is important to consult a specialist for a case evaluation.

Alternating arm and leg lifting exercises

Exercises for the lower back.
This exercise requires some balance to support the stretches and keep your back straight.

The exercise consists of lifting the opposite arm and leg alternately. Rest your hands and knees on the floor making sure your back remains as straight as possible. Then, lift one leg and the opposite arm to the height of the torso.

This means that when you lift your right leg, you will simultaneously raise your left arm, trying to keep your balance. The leg and arm should be extended to the maximum. Hold the position for five seconds and repeat the exercise with the opposite side of the body. You can do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

If you find it difficult to maintain balance, you can divide the exercise into several parts. First raise the arm to a horizontal position, then the leg on the same side and finally repeat the exercise with the other side of the body.

Stretching exercise for the lower back

Stretching of the lumbar area.
Once the arms and legs are stretched, we will hold the position for a few seconds.

This exercise will help you stretch your lower back, thereby alleviating discomfort, pain and inflammation. People suffering from low back pain can do it three times a week on a regular basis, even in the absence of discomfort. This will help prevent any disturbances.

To perform the exercise, you will need to lie on the floor on your stomach. The arms should be extended over the head and the legs backwards, with the feet slightly apart. The palms of the hands should be facing the floor.

Then, squeeze your glutes and lower back. Simultaneously with the contraction, raise your legs and torso. Hold the position for two seconds, then return to the starting position. You can perform the exercise in 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Exercise of the cat / camel

Yoga for the lower back.
This position alternates flexion and extension of the back and lumbar area.

This dorsal-lumbar joint mobilization exercise is one of the most recommended by specialists to relieve back pain.

To perform it, you must rest your knees and hands on the ground and keep your back straight. The idea is to move from a position of maximum flexion to that of extension of the lumbar area. You will then have to arch your back and bend your neck down (camel).

Then, arch your back down by bringing your neck up (cat). Each position should be held for five seconds. You can do 3 series of 15 repetitions each.

With these very simple exercises to perform at home, your lower back will benefit greatly. And also health in general.

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