Abused Woman Syndrome: How To Help?

Abused Woman Syndrome affects many women who have experienced violence for a long time. Let’s see how it is possible to intervene in these cases.
Abused woman syndrome: how to help?

What happens to a woman who has experienced physical or psychological violence within a relationship? She can manifest battered woman syndrome, a term coined by Lenore EA Walker in her book The battered Woman .

In this text, the approach focuses on the physical symptoms and psychological consequences that derive from being abused in a couple relationship. At the same time, reference is made to the situation in which children witness important dynamics such as custody.

How to recognize the abused woman syndrome?

The battered woman syndrome has some explicit characteristics that it is important to know how to recognize. Why? Because it is necessary to ask for professional help as soon as possible, so that the symptomatology in question does not worsen and does not affect the quality of life of the victim.

  • Physical symptoms: insomnia, weight loss, somatization of emotions (eczema, migraine, colic …).
  • Psychological symptoms: depression, low self-esteem, guilt, despair and fear.
Depression in victim woman
Abused Woman Syndrome can manifest itself through physical and mental symptoms. The victim may suffer from insomnia, significant weight loss, as well as perennial depression.

These are just some of the symptoms that all women suffering from battered woman syndrome exhibit. However, there are some important points that we have decided to address separately. Let’s see some of them, and then address them after the steps to start asking for help.

Learned helplessness

Learned helplessness is a psychological condition manifested by women who have been abused. It is a harmful thought that prevents them from making decisions for their own benefit, in order to get out of a situation where they are subjected to violence or abuse.

They are convinced that nothing they do will change that. This feeling is extremely disabling, frustrating, and is the reason why many women are unable to get out of a situation of violence. Plus, not even trying can lead to another abusive relationship.

The post-traumatic stress of abused woman syndrome

When a woman is the victim of a situation of abuse that repeats itself over time, this forces her to experience a phase of perennial stress. This premise means that, after separation or after getting out of the situation, stress continues to be a constant. 

This fight-and-flight response, which is so important to our survival, becomes completely maladaptive in people with abused woman syndrome. Stress, fear and anxiety will manifest in unlikely circumstances.

Some of the ways to identify this post-traumatic stress is to analyze the behaviors of the woman who is the victim of abuse:

  • Nightmares and flashbacks that cause sweating, fear and an increased pulse.
  • Evasive behavior in front of places or thoughts that clearly remember the situation.
  • Hypervigilance, especially when the subject is on the street because they believe someone is following them.
  • Difficulty remembering key features or moments relating to the traumatic event.
Abused Woman Syndrome
Women who have been victims of violence tend to experience consequences that are difficult to overcome. They often suffer from post-traumatic stress because they believe that their tormentors can subdue them again.

Aid for women victims of violence

Although the woman who is the victim of abuse believes that she cannot receive the requested help, this is not the case. It is true that the person who mistreated her could be at liberty, simply subject to a restraining order and that this can cause the victim particular fear and insecurity. However, let’s see how it can react:

Economic aid

The woman who is the victim of violence can temporarily take leave from work and apply for unemployment. This way, you will be able to receive a contribution or unemployment benefit and time to recover from the difficult situation.

Reception centers

In some countries there are shelters that allow a woman and her children (if she has any) to escape from violence and prepare to start a new life. It is an opportunity to change to be able to start over from scratch.

Psychological therapy for abused woman syndrome

It is essential to undergo psychotherapy with a professional who specializes in such cases. The support of the family in these cases is essential. If there are children, it is important that they also undergo psychological therapy.

Legalize the situation of the children

The issue of custody must also be addressed, however difficult. To do this, the family must participate and help as they can. Hiding children to avoid shared custody or to prevent them from seeing their partner is a crime and is punishable by jail.

The pink phone

It is a non-profit organization that the person can turn to if they are unwell or if they need someone to let off steam. It is a free service and it can be of great help in those moments when the woman victim of violence feels “broken”.

In the face of any situation of violence, do not hesitate to call 1522. A free telephone line that does not appear in the telephone bill and through which trained and capable people will help you understand how to act and who to contact.

It is an opportunity to get out of a situation that no one should go through. Finally, remember to always contact a psychologist and invite family members not to go away, although it may seem that the victim wants this.

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