Prevention And Natural Treatment Of Hemorrhoids

Natural prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids

Did you know that it is possible to reduce hemorrhoids thanks to a natural treatment of the problem? The unpleasant effects of hemorrhoids are already denoted by the etymological meaning of their name: “flow of blood”.

If you suffer from this unpleasant problem, you will know that it is mainly due to the inflammation of the cushion-shaped veins located in the anus, which have the function of retaining the stool.

The presence of hemorrhoids is easily felt, as they cause a burning sensation in the rectum, possible blood loss and a continuous feeling of discomfort.

It is usually a problem that arises from the age of forty and to get a correct diagnosis it is necessary to contact a specialized colo-proctologist who will be able to indicate what type of treatment you will need to follow, also depending on the severity of the hemorrhoids.

The truth, however, is that, due to modesty or shame, many people suffering from this problem decide not to visit the doctor and prefer to seek do-it-yourself treatments.

For this reason, if you suffer from hemorrhoids we strongly recommend that you first discuss it with a specialist. Here we will report only some indications for a natural treatment of hemorrhoids, to be integrated with the medical treatment. Simple tips with which you can face and alleviate this annoying problem on a daily basis.

What are the causes?

causes hemorrhoids
  • Incorrect feeding
  • Hereditary factors
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Habitual constipation or diarrhea, which strain the venous walls that cover the anus too much
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity

How to prevent hemorrhoids?

  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle, walk for an hour a day or do some physical exercise that stimulates circulation
  • Try to maintain an adequate body weight
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
  • Avoid heavily seasoned, spicy or fatty foods
  • Increase your consumption of fiber, fruit, vegetables, wholemeal bread …

How to make a natural hemorrhoid treatment

Natural treatment of external hemorrhoids

  • Cold water baths: To relieve the burning, bathe in the bidet for at least 10 to 15 minutes, especially after evacuating.
  • Indian chestnut: suitable for stopping small blood losses and reducing inflammation, it is perfect for improving circulation and you can take it in two different ways. Through suppositories that you will find in pharmacies, or by preparing an infusion in which, later, you will wet a gauze. For this last recipe, just take three or four Indian chestnut leaves, boil it and moisten the gauze before applying it for a few minutes on the rectal area.
  • Blueberries : Perfect for improving circulation and reducing inflammation. Just cook 70 grams for each liter of water. Let them cool and apply them to a gauze. You will notice a feeling of immediate relief.
  • Witch hazel : excellent plant and very suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids. You can find it in drugstores in the form of cream or suppositories. Its technical name is ” Hamamelis Virginiana “.

Natural treatment of internal hemorrhoids

natural hemorrhoid treatment
  • Plantain : one of the best plants for the treatment of hemorrhoids, as it has the ability to stop the bleeding of the anal veins and promote their recovery. We therefore advise you to take an infusion made with a teaspoon of dried plantain leaves twice a day.
  • Lime : provides vitamin C and flavonoids, natural chemical compounds that act directly in the arteries to improve their elasticity and prevent bleeding of the veins and capillaries. Drinking its juice once a day improves the treatment of hemorrhoids and helps prevent them.
  • Alfalfa : rich in vitamin K, helps prevent blood loss. Contains proteins, carbohydrates and calcium. To take it, you can mix a cup of well-cleaned alfalfa sprouts with half a chopped cucumber, and then blend everything. It is recommended to take it especially in the morning.

Foods not recommended:

  • Vinegar
  • Tomato
  • Onion
  • Parsley
  • Chili pepper
  • Garlic
  • Coffee
  • Chocolate
  • Alcohol

Beneficial Fruits and Vegetables:

  • Pineapple
  • Orange
  • Pear
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce

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