Is Drinking Milk Good For You? Risks And Benefits

Milk is one of the main calcium funds found in nature, as well as the only one for the newborn. Calcium is essential for the formation and preservation of bones and teeth, but not only.
Is drinking milk good for you?  Risks and benefits

They raised us thinking that drinking milk was essential for the growth and health of bones and teeth, as well as for other structures that need calcium. Still, the consumption of milk and dairy products is associated with several health problems.

However, there is not only bad news: drinking milk also brings a number of benefits that we will analyze in this article.

In fact, milk has been part of human nutrition in most cultures and for thousands of years. In fact, humans began to consume it about 11,000 years ago, with the domestication of livestock.

For human consumption, mainly cow, sheep, goat and buffalo milk are consumed. Some people prefer to drink donkey and camel milk.

These beverages of animal origin suitable for human consumption are usually subjected to heat treatments in the home or industrial type. These processes also give rise to small variations in the composition of the milk.

Drinking milk: what are the benefits of it?

Little girl drinking milk

Milk is one of the main sources of calcium in nature, and the only one in the newborn. Calcium is also essential for the formation and preservation of the health of bones and teeth.

This food also brings us other valuable nutrients and for this reason it is one of the most complete food products in circulation.

Milk is the raw material for the preparation of various derivative products, such as butter, cheese, yogurt, cream or rennet. Since the most consumed milk is cow’s milk, we will focus on this to analyze its composition:

  • Water: it is the main component. It represents between 80% and 87% of the product.
  • Carbohydrates: lactose constitutes practically all the sugar contained in milk and this nutrient is one of the main “negative” elements of milk.
  • Proteins: they are considered nutrients with a high biological value and contain a large amount of essential amino acids. They account for 3-4% of milk.
  • Fats: they are contained in milk in a percentage that varies from 3 to 6%, although it varies greatly depending on the diet of the cow and its breed. 90% of fat is found in the form of triglycerides.
  • Vitamins: first of all, vitamins A and D, as well as riboflavin (B2), cyanocobalamin and thiamine.
  • Minerals: Milk is rich in minerals, usually in the form of salts. Contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, sodium, chlorine, magnesium and zinc.

Risks deriving from the consumption of milk

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, drinking milk also carries a number of risks that are important to keep in mind. Among these we can mention:

1. Lactose intolerance

Person who refuses to drink milk

Generally speaking, 1 in 2 people are intolerant to lactose, which, as we already know, is the main sugar in this natural drink. However, most people do not know they are intolerant to this substance and continue to drink milk.

It is estimated that 70% of the world population is lactose intolerant. In this sense, intolerance is therefore no longer a disease, but a normal condition.

This happens because between the ages of two and four, our body begins to stop synthesizing the enzyme lactase, which is responsible for digesting lactose.

By continuing to drink milk, undigested lactose stagnates in the intestines, where it ferments due to the bacteria in the colon, causing gas, pain and sometimes diarrhea.

2. Calcium malabsorption

When we consume proteins of animal origin, the pH of the blood becomes acid and the body reacts by eliminating part of the calcium contained in the bones in order to neutralize this acidity. IS It has been shown that the consumption of dairy products or calcium-based foods does not protect against the risk of fractures.

Despite the essential nutrients contained in the milk, we do not need to drink it to get them. In fact, vegetables are the best source of calcium.

3. Drinking milk increases the risk of allergies and asthma

Cow’s milk contains three times more protein than human milk and some of them are very difficult for the body to digest.

In some people, these proteins, such as casein, adhere to the lymphatic vessels of the intestine, inhibiting the absorption of nutrients. In doing so, immune problems, allergies and asthma can arise.


IS It is important to find out if we are lactose intolerant or not to avoid complications due to milk consumption. Taking this food in moderation and in case of absence of reactions to its components is good for the body. However, it should not be abused.

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