Relieve Muscle Pain Without Analgesics

Stretching and massage are ideal for preventing and relieving muscle pain. Try to set aside at least 10 minutes a day to stretch to avoid problems
Relieve muscle pain without analgesics

For many people they represent “daily bread” and for this they must find a way to relieve muscle pain.

A sedentary lifestyle, sitting for more than 8 consecutive hours in front of the computer, not exercising and not sleeping well. Here are just some of the factors that cause such pain which, in many cases, prevent us from carrying out normal daily activities.

In this article we will explain how to relieve muscle pain without the use of analgesics.

Tips for relieving muscle pain

Whether you are a very active person or, on the contrary, rather sedentary, these tips are useful for everyone to keep away the annoying and feared muscle aches.

1. Ice

Cold reduces inflammation in sore muscles. The result of this technique, however, is only satisfactory if ice is applied immediately (as soon as pain occurs).

Applying ice later is useless.

  • To avoid sunburn, wrap the ice cubes in a cloth or plastic bag and hold it on the affected area for 10-15 minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can also opt for a bath in cold water.

2. Stretching

Girl doing stretching to relieve muscle pain

We can stretch anywhere: at home, at work or in the gym.

A series of stretches for 10 minutes will help to relieve muscle pain caused by too much time in the same position or having done intense physical activity.

But be careful: stretches are not good if you have a muscle injury or if we force too much.

Every morning, as soon as you get up, get in the habit of stretching your arms and legs for at least 5 minutes. You will reduce pain and avoid annoying contractures. Plus, it’s a great way to start the day.

3. Hot shower

If the application of ice does not work because the affected area is not inflamed, try the opposite technique.

  • Opt for a very hot shower, as much as you can handle, to relax your muscles.
  • A good alternative is the bath with Epsom salts .
  • Steam baths are also very useful because they release tension and reduce muscle aches. You can do them at home or choose a sauna or a spa (where you can combine them with a decontracting massage).

4. Walk

Active recovery is an interesting way to combat a sedentary lifestyle: if you have been feeling stiff lately because of your work, try to walk a little more.

It is not necessary to travel kilometers. You can start with a short walk. A trick: park your car a little further from the office.

As you walk, you can rotate your shoulders, move your arms and bend your neck to the sides to relieve muscle pain.

5. Massages

Decontracting massages to relieve muscle pain

Although it is not recommended to massage yourself, as it could make the situation worse, unfortunately sometimes we cannot turn to a professional massage therapist.

In these cases, then, you can apply light pressure on the area that hurts you and try to relax it with small circulatory movements.

However, if the pains are frequent or persist, you will need to rely on the hands of an expert at least once a week.

The masseur will use effective techniques, as well as decontracting creams, oils and gels.

6. Rest

Stress, routine and daily commitments are the main culprits for muscle pain. This is why a restful night’s sleep and, if possible, even an afternoon nap is essential.

Try to always go to sleep at the same time and rest at least 8 hours a night. Don’t forget that muscles relax and regenerate during the night.

7. Yoga for muscle pain relief

This millenary technique relieves muscle pain, but even prevents them.

Regular yoga practice improves flexibility, prevents cramps and keeps stress away – exactly what your body needs.

You can go to a specialized center or create your own exercise program to do at home several times a week.

8. Clutches

Depending on the area of ​​the body that hurts you, you can take advantage of the benefits of natural friction: all you have to do is rub the muscles with a warm and damp cloth.

To make them even more effective, you can add some ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties, such as:

  • Rosemary
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • black pepper

9. Healthy nutrition to relieve muscle pain

Red fruits and cereals to relieve muscle pain

Often the predisposition to contractures, cramps and muscle pain also depends on a deficiency of certain nutrients.

  • Try to eat a healthy and balanced diet, which includes proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats and simple sugars.
  • Seasonal fruit and vegetables, eaten raw, must never be missing on the table, as well as legumes, dried fruit and lean meats.

10. Drink water to relieve muscle pain

When muscles are not sufficiently hydrated, they are more vulnerable and cannot heal properly.

If we add to this an excessive sporting practice or, on the contrary, an absolute sedentary lifestyle, it is not surprising if muscle pains appear.

To avoid this problem, drink at least two liters of water a day, an amount that will increase if it is very hot or when you are exercising.

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