Rosemary Alcohol To Fight Cellulite

Although we can buy ready-made rosemary alcohol, it is better to prepare it directly at home to ensure its purity and the fact that its ingredients are of excellent quality.
Rosemary alcohol to fight cellulite

Cellulite appears due to inflammation of the soft tissues, due to both  circulatory difficulties and the lymphatic system. It is characterized by the formation of small nodules of fat that, on the skin, have the shape of holes and an orange peel appearance. Here’s how to fight it with rosemary alcohol.

More than 90% of the female population develops cellulite due to constant hormonal changes, overweight and a sedentary lifestyle. Although it affects men to a lesser extent, women are the ones who suffer the most from this problem regardless of their weight.

To date , the exact cause that causes its appearance is not known and there is not even an indication of what the exact treatment to follow is. However, persisting with an unhealthy lifestyle has been shown to make the situation worse.

Fortunately, many cosmetic products and therapies have been developed whose purpose is to  fight cellulite so that the skin has a softer and firmer appearance. The problem is that most of these products are too expensive and not affordable for everyone who wants to use them.

The good news is that there are also 100% natural products that, with a smaller investment of money, give wonderful results when used continuously.

This is the case with the famous rosemary alcohol, a topical product that greatly reduces cellulite. Below we share its properties and the simple recipe to prepare it at home. Take notes!

Why use rosemary alcohol to fight cellulite?

eliminate cellulite alcohol of rosemary

Rosemary alcohol has become one of the best preparations for making the properties of the plant absorb through the skin. Its benefits are attributed to its powerful anti-inflammatory action which activates blood circulation, fights water retention and promotes tissue inflammation.

It is also considered a natural tonic, suitable for keeping the skin firm and preventing it from becoming flabby. Thanks to these important virtues, for some time now many women have included it in their beauty routines to reduce cellulite.

However, before deciding whether to apply it, it is important to clarify that it is not a miracle product. Even if the benefits it brings to decrease cellulite are many and well-established, we cannot expect to eliminate it completely without modifying our lifestyle a little.

This means that to combat this problem, you need to improve your diet, exercise and adopt other good habits that promote fat loss.

Recipe for making homemade rosemary alcohol


Rosemary alcohol

Thanks to its multiple therapeutic applications, rosemary alcohol can be purchased in pharmacies and herbalists. However, we advise you to prepare it at home to have the guarantee that its components are 100% organic.


  • 5 branches of fresh rosemary, with leaves and flowers
  • ¾ glass of 96% alcohol (150 ml)
  • 1 airtight glass container


  • Cut the fresh rosemary branches into small pieces and place them in the glass container.
  • Add the 96% alcohol (ethyl alcohol) and make sure you completely cover  the branches.
  • Close the glass container tightly, put it in a dark place and let it rest for at least 15 days.
  • After this time, take a clean cloth and strain the alcohol to separate it from the rosemary branches.

How to use

  • The first thing to do is to apply an exfoliating product so that the skin increases its absorption capacity.
  • After completing this step, dry the areas you want to treat well, dip some pieces of cotton in alcohol and rub with gentle massages.
  • Be sure to make upward movements. Start at the knee area and work your way up to the thighs and hips.
  • Concentrate on the back of the thighs, just below the buttocks, the area where cellulite usually appears most.
  • Let the alcohol absorb for about 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  • For best results, end the treatment using a firming cream.
  • Repeat the application of alcohol every day, focusing on the most problematic areas.

Keep in mind that the effects are not immediate and are only achieved if you are constant. Try to be patient and follow all the advice given to start seeing results in no time. Get the ingredients in the nearest herbalist and prepare the recipe to benefit from the properties of this alcohol.

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