Natural Remedies For The Treatment Of Hiatus Hernia

Excess weight, as well as pregnancy, are factors that can favor the appearance of the hiatal hernia, so it is advisable to keep nutrition under control.
Natural remedies for hernia hernia treatment

Hiatal hernia, also known as hiatus hernia, is the herniation of a part of the stomach from the abdomen to the chest.

In this article we will reveal everything you need to know about hiatus hernia : what it is, the best natural remedies and other interesting information. Read on to learn more!

What is hiatus hernia? What are the symptoms?

The esophagus is connected to the abdomen through a hole called the hiatus, which is located in the diaphragm. As this hole weakens, various symptoms can occur.

Some symptoms of a hiatal hernia are:

  • Pain and burning in the rib cage
  • Excess gas
  • Gastric reflux
  • Cough
  • Palpitations
  • Obesity
  • Violent contractions
  • He retched

What are the causes of a hiatal hernia?

  • Excessive strain on the chest, such as lifting heavy weights
  • Neglected pregnancy
  • Incorrect posture (hunching too much)
  • Constipation
  • Smoke
  • Prolonged stress
  • Frequent anxiety
  • Muscle weakness

We can distinguish two types of hiatus hernia:

Sliding hernia

It is the most frequent and occurs when the joint between the stomach and the esophagus “moves” over the diaphragm together with a portion of the stomach.

Paraesophageal hernia

It is not as common as sliding hernia. It occurs when part of the stomach rises through the hiatus of the diaphragm. In rarer cases, a combination of the two types of hernias can occur.

Tips and natural remedies for hiatus hernia

Thanks to these tips and changes in daily habits, it is possible to reduce, treat and prevent hiatal hernia:

Reduce Stress

Stress and hernia of the hiatus

High stress levels cause several problems, including hernia of the hiatus. If you are very nervous or worried, you have a lot of problems to think about and you don’t rest well, for example, you are more likely to have this condition.

Relax more, remember that there is only one life and that health comes first, before work, money or traffic.

In order to reduce stress, you can try some meditation techniques, taichí, yoga or go on vacation away from the city. You can also take a day off to stay at home doing nothing (reading, watching a movie, sleeping, making dinner, etc.).

Avoid lifting heavy loads for hiatus hernia

There are many factors that can trigger the appearance of a hiatus hernia. For example, if your job involves handling heavy objects or if you are moving, if your children are grown up by now, but you still carry them in your arms, if you go shopping and carry lots of bags … all of this can affect a hiatal hernia. .

These habits can also cause problems with the spine, hips and arms. The best way to lift weights off the ground is to bend your knees and take the object as if you were hugging it.

Follow a balanced diet for hiatus hernia

Balanced nutrition

Being overweight and muscle weakness can trigger a hiatal hernia, so it’s good to keep the extra pounds under control.

Take a cleansing diet for three consecutive days to eliminate the fats and fluids that have accumulated in the body. You should only eat raw fruit and drink three liters of water a day.

At this point, you will be in a position to undergo a more balanced diet, which will include lots of fruit, vegetables, wholemeal flours, legumes and dried fruit.

Start dressing your meals with olive oil, lemon and vinegar. Avoid fizzy and sugary sodas, alcoholic beverages, fried foods, sweets, junk food, and dairy products.

Every morning, consume a tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach.

Consume natural drinks for hiatus hernia

In addition to the fact that juices improve health and help you lose weight, there are some that are very good for hernia hernia treatment. For example, that of carrot, beet and aloe vera.

You can try all the combinations you want, but the basic rule is always to mix raw fruits and vegetables with other ingredients, such as pure bee honey, aloe vera or stevia.

Also try to drink plant-based drinks (almond milk, for example) and drink green tea (two cups a day) to decrease swelling of the body and reduce hernia symptoms. It will also help you prevent stomach tumors or inflammation.

Practice physical activity according to your conditions

If you have a hiatus hernia, you will probably have to give up some exercises, such as weight lifting. Alternatively, opt for disciplines such as yoga, swimming, light walking, some pilates exercises, taichí, etc.

You will avoid weakness and strengthen your muscles.

Do pleasant things

Pleasant activities

If you suffer from depression, are sad or overwhelmed by your problems, then it is time to do something you enjoy. It will also help you reduce and prevent hiatal hernia.

What are the options? There are thousands of them! Paint a picture, change the house decorations, take a gardening class or take your children to play in the park.

You can take the opportunity to visit some friends or family members you rarely see, to prepare a special dinner for your partner even if it is not your anniversary, take a dance class, bring out your artistic side, read books that you like so much, etc.

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