How To Move Forward When Nothing Makes Us Happy

When nothing makes us happy, we don’t have to despair. It is better to take one step at a time, small changes that give a little well-being, even if minimal.
How to move forward when nothing makes us happy

There are times when nothing makes us happy. The world loses its brightness, the songs lose their music and the laughter of those around us no longer fill us with joy.

Moving forward in these situations isn’t always easy if you don’t find a strong enough reason to keep getting up every day. However, this reason is easy to find: it is ourselves.

When we neglect our emotional needs, when we let the pressure envelop us until we lose our breath, enthusiasm and control of our life, the world starts to go in reverse.

Friends can comfort us, they can tell us that “time heals all wounds and evil will pass”, but if we don’t take the reins of our personal universe in hand, nice words and slapping on the back will be useless.

There are many times when, in fact, there is just nothing that makes us happy. However, we must not allow these moments to become a lifetime. We explain what to do.

Strategies to use when nothing makes us happy

If nothing makes you feel good, if you realize that you have been down in the dumps for more than three months, with problems of insomnia, lack of appetite and with such apathy that you have lost interest in anything, then we advise you to contact your doctor.

Perhaps you suffer from a form of depression and a professional will be able to make a correct diagnosis and indicate the most suitable treatment according to your needs. Once the presence of a deeper psychological problem has been ruled out or confirmed, it is necessary to reflect on these dimensions and try to put some advice into practice.

Respect your rhythms: the world is now slower

what makes us happy

You feel bad and you can’t even pretend nothing has happened. What good is smiling or wearing masks when you actually feel sadness or even apathy?

  • Do not pretend to feel what you do not feel, otherwise you will only intensify your suffering.
  • You have the right to experience a moment of fragility, of sadness. Believe it or not, negative emotions have a purpose and that is to make us understand that there is something to change to better adapt to our environment.

Respect this slower pace that your mind and body need now. You need a period of introspection in which to take care of yourself, ask yourself questions and find out what is going on inside you.

Put aside what you feel and find out what you need

You know you are not well, sometimes you feel anger, sometimes sadness, other times you just want to sleep or talk to someone. Well, since you are aware of the emotional carousel you are experiencing, it is time to put your feelings on the back burner to understand what you need.

  • I need to see myself better.
  • I need to spend some time alone.
  • I want to feel useful.
  • I need to find new hope.
  • I need to start over.
  • I want to love myself as I deserve.
  • I need not to feel sad anymore.
wait sad

Small daily changes when nothing makes us happy

Nobody feels happier from one moment to another or from one day to the next. Well-being must be cultivated day after day, gradually modifying one’s way of thinking and making small changes.

  • Today my purpose is to take a long walk which I will try to enjoy to the fullest.
  • I want to control my negative thoughts.
  • Today I want to see myself with friends and make plans for the future with them.
  • I want to put myself first, I want to give myself time, pleasant moments.
  • I want to commit to a long-term goal: I will enroll in a course, I will plan a trip.

These small changes in turn generate important emotional improvements that will gradually affect your well-being and your life.

To be happy, you have to give up certain things

To be happy, at times, you need to be able to give up certain things or even certain people. This requires an act of courage which is not always easy. Learn to identify these “inner saboteurs” and defeat them. The effort will always be worth it.

  • You have to learn to listen to your needs, your conscience. If you realize what keeps you from your essence and do nothing, then you are voluntarily giving up your happiness.
  • To give up is to learn to close circles, phases, stages. It is knowing how to recognize that which no longer offers you anything, which gives you nothing more, which makes you feel bad.
  • You also need to take into consideration the fact that sometimes there are no culprits to justify your unhappiness. Often it is ourselves, with our fears and insecurities, who close the door to well-being and happiness.

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