Caffeine Withdrawal And How To Overcome It

Besides coffee, all drinks that contain caffeine must be considered. Caffeine withdrawal can cause drowsiness, irritability, migraines, difficulty concentrating and a tendency to depression. Find out how to fight it.
Caffeine withdrawal and how to overcome it

Coffee acts on the brain, and the stimulation of the central nervous system produces a sensation of constant “alertness”. When we abruptly stop consuming it, it is easy to experience caffeine withdrawal.

It is a syndrome that causes drowsiness, irritability, migraines and a tendency to depression. Here are some remedies that help fight caffeine withdrawal and reduce the consumption of this substance without suffering.

Stop drinking coffee: what are the benefits?

Woman with cup of coffee
Caffeine withdrawal can cause symptoms such as migraines and irritability.

Stopping drinking too much coffee certainly brings several benefits to our life. One of these is weight loss, since caffeinated drinks provide “empty” calories and promote the formation of fat deposits.

Another benefit is the decrease in acid reflux. The acidity of coffee, in fact, is often linked to stomach pain, indigestion and imbalance of the intestinal flora.

Finally, we can reduce stress. In fact, caffeine increases the presence of catecholamines (for example adrenaline), substances related to stress.

In short, it is best not to overdo this drink, even if it apparently makes us feel good.

The best natural remedies to combat caffeine withdrawal

To reduce the consumption of caffeine without suffering the consequences of abstinence,  first of all it is advisable to gradually decrease the amount taken by 25%. By doing so, we can act gradually without running dry.

In addition, there are some very helpful remedies for overcoming coffee addiction. Let’s see what they are:

1. Coconut water

Coconut water
To combat caffeine withdrawal, we can drink coconut water

Coconut water is a nutritious and healthy drink. Contains enzymes that help cleanse the body and electrolytes that provide energy and nutrients. 

It helps to fight the “slowness” of body and mind, keeping us hydrated and energized and to overcome the fatigue caused by the absence of caffeine.

Consuming coconut water has similar effects to sports drinks, but causes less nausea and stomach heaviness.

2. Probiotic drinks

They favor the development of the intestinal flora, improving digestive health. They stimulate the immune system, eliminate toxins and fight the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.

They help keep the intestines free of waste. Two good examples of probiotic drinks are yogurt and soy milk. Alternatively, you can use probiotic supplements that provide the same benefits.

3. Ginger tea

Loved by many for its spicy flavor and spicy scent, ginger tea is a digestive remedy that facilitates the breakdown of foods. One of the best known benefits of ginger is the ability to regulate blood sugars. In addition to regulating glucose, it keeps you awake longer.

It also regulates intestinal transit and prevents diarrhea sometimes caused by caffeine. It fights memory loss and improves mood in case it is impaired by caffeine withdrawal. 

4. Green mint tea

There are many benefits associated with the consumption of spearmint. When you suffer from caffeine withdrawal, an herbal tea prepared with the leaves of this plant helps to combat nausea, headaches and nervousness. 

If drunk regularly, it reduces muscle tension inducing a state of relaxation; it instills calm when we are agitated. Do you suffer from a lack of coffee? Replace it with a cup of peppermint.

5. Garlic tea

Garlic cloves
Garlic tea helps to keep the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal under control

Known as a powerful natural antibiotic, garlic tea is usually consumed when you want to prevent colds and strengthen the immune system. What few people know, however, is that it also fights withdrawal from caffeine because it induces a state of mental calm.

Like probiotic drinks, garlic tea promotes intestinal transit and purifies the body of toxins that often make us sick. Drink it twice a week and you will soon forget about the caffeine!

6. Chamomile tea

Chamomile, with its unique scent and slightly bitter taste, is rich in healthful properties. It has a digestive, carminative, sedative, invigorating and antispasmodic action.

The infusion of chamomile free body and mind from stress and reduces anxiety. This is why it is recommended when fighting caffeine withdrawal and regulating energy levels.

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