8 Ideas To Use Stale Bread Instead Of Throwing It

Have you ever made pancakes with bread? They are delicious! This is a great solution for when you have one or two loaves of stale bread left.
8 ideas for using stale bread instead of throwing it away

What do you usually do with stale bread ? It is no longer needed to prepare that soft and tasty sandwich. Children do not like and always prefer freshly prepared foods, especially bread.

It doesn’t matter if it is white, wholemeal or a baguette, in the end it is always thrown away and you eat the fresh one of the day.

Do you know what our advice is today? Never throw away stale bread !

You will be amazed by the many alternatives it offers you, interesting ideas for the kitchen that will surely be useful to you. Discover them with us.

1. Breadcrumbs

Bread crumbs

Breadcrumbs are very useful for everyday dishes. Just blend the bread from the previous days. Cut it into slices and shred it until you get a good amount.

It is advisable that the bread is really hard since, in this way, you will be able to grind it more finely.

Keep it in a plastic bag for two days before using it for your breading so that it is drier and crisper, and that your recipes are tastier.

2. Delicious pancakes


Have you ever made pancakes with bread? They are delicious! This is a great solution for when you have one or two loaves of stale bread left. We explain how to prepare them.

What do you need?

  • A loaf of hard bread
  • 250 ml of milk
  • 1 egg
  • 40 grams of sugar
  • 20 grams of cinnamon
  • 40 grams of sunflower oil

How to prepare bread pancakes?

  • Cut the bread into slices and then dip them in milk mixed with cinnamon.
  • Then pass them in the beaten egg, on both sides.
  • Finally, fry them in a pan with a drop of hot sunflower oil. Simple, right? Now all you have to do is sprinkle some sugar on them and try them hot immediately. You will love them.

3. Croutons


It is one of the most original ways to use bread. The croutons are perfect to accompany soups and velvety, and also to create original garnishes for your dishes.

How to prepare them? It’s very simple, take notes.

What do you need?

  • Half a loaf of hard bread
  • Olive oil
  • Aromatic herbs such as thyme or oregano

How to prepare the croutons?

  • Cut the bread into thick slices and then into squares.
  • Now fry them with oil. If you want, you can add some spice or medicinal plant such as thyme or oregano to the oil. They will be tastier and give more flavor to your dishes.
  • When the croutons are golden brown, you can remove them from the heat.
  • Use absorbent paper to remove excess oil. Here they are ready to be served with a soup.

4. Original canapés and appetizers with stale bread


There is nothing easier and more original. With a little imagination you can prepare original canapes for your lunches or for special occasions when you need something out of the ordinary.

There is no need to spend money on classic toast slices. Just follow these tips.

  • Cut the stale bread into thin slices.
  • Now toast them for a few minutes in the oven with a little oil, pepper and oregano.
  • Once golden and crunchy, you can add the sauce.
  • For example, you can put pieces of salmon and avocado.
  • They are also delicious with cherry tomatoes, celery, garlic and a little gorgonzola. There are many delicious ideas!

5. Exquisite garlic bread

Garlic bread

Garlic bread is so easy to make that it will become indispensable in your eating routine.

Your family will love it and undoubtedly it is one of the most exquisite ways to reuse bread. Make a note of the preparation.

What do you need?

  • A loaf of hard bread
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • A bunch of parsley
  • A little pepper

How to prepare it?

  • Start by heating the oven to 160º.
  • Now cut the slices of bread without separating them completely, cutting with the knife only up to the middle of the loaf.
  • Heat the butter a little to make it melt. Once liquid, add the chopped garlic cloves and parsley and a little pepper.
  • Afterwards, grease the loaf of hard bread with this mixture. Make sure that each slice is well soaked, being careful not to separate them.
  • Now wrap the loaf of bread in aluminum foil and then put it in the preheated oven.
  • Leave it in the oven for 6 minutes. After these minutes, take it out of the oven to remove the aluminum foil. Then put it back in the oven for another 5 minutes. Your garlic bread is ready.
  • Let it cool for a while before serving. As you can see, it is a delicious and original alternative that is worth trying.

How about? Each of these options is easy and tasty. You can reuse your stale bread as long as it hasn’t been more than 3 or 5 days.

After this time,  make sure there is no mold.

Usually sandwich bread goes bad first, so it’s more advisable to implement these ideas with baguettes or the classic sandwiches you eat every day.

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