7 Tips To Eliminate Excess Fluid From The Body

To eliminate the excess accumulated fluids, it is possible to take advantage of the properties of some diuretic infusions that will help you urinate more and purify the body of all the accumulated toxins that swell it
7 tips to eliminate excess fluid from the body

Do you feel bloated every now and then? It could be due to heat, certain foods, or the hormonal cycle. In any case, it is a troublesome situation, due to an excess of liquids, which we would like to be able to resolve as soon as possible.

It is for this reason that today we want to share with you some tips to eliminate excess fluids in a natural way and without side effects. Find out how to do this with some simple remedies, such as infusions, smoothies or some particular techniques.

How to get rid of excess fluids naturally

To reduce excess fluid, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt

There are foods that promote water retention and others that, on the other hand, help us eliminate excess fluids when we feel more bloated than normal.

The first thing to do to eliminate them is, therefore, avoid all foods that favor the accumulation of liquids. The secret lies in reducing the amount of salt and everything that contains it, in a more or less evident way:

  • Aged cheeses
  • Salami and sausages
  • Preserved sauces
  • French fries, olives, salted nuts and other similar appetizers
  • Pizza and other prepackaged foods
  • Sauces

1. Less sodium and more potassium

Table salt, aka sodium chloride, should be reduced to the bare minimum in our diet. However , it could be replaced , in moderate quantities, with sea salt or sea water, which also contain other minerals, such as potassium, which help us maintain a balance.

During periods when you feel bloated, we recommend that you avoid salt and consume foods rich in potassium, such as:

  • Avocado
  • Dried fruit (pistachios, hazelnuts and almonds without salt)
  • legumes
  • Quinoa
  • Spinach
  • Coconut
  • Bananas

2. Drink lots of water

Drink water to drain excess fluids

It almost seems like a contradiction, yet drinking lots of water helps us eliminate excess fluids. There is only one rule: to deflate, you should drink water on an empty stomach or on an empty stomach. If you drink water during meals or immediately after eating, it will have the opposite effect and make us swell even more.

Start the day by drinking two glasses of water just before breakfast and drink at least two more glasses in the morning and two in the afternoon. You will immediately notice its diuretic effects.

3. Make a pear and dandelion smoothie

If you like smoothies, we recommend two ingredients with incredible diuretic properties: pear and dandelion. Both help eliminate excess fluids, are rich sources of minerals and are also beneficial for the liver.

You can easily take dandelion in the countryside, if you have the possibility, as it is a very common plant, or buy it dried in a herbalist’s shop.


  • A tablespoon of dandelion (10 g)
  • A glass of water (200 ml)
  • A pear


  • Heat the glass of water and, once brought to a boil, add a tablespoon of dandelion and leave it to infuse for about 10 minutes.
  • After that, strain the liquid and set it aside.
  • Peel the pear, remove the seeds and cut it into pieces to be able to blend it more easily.
  • Put the dandelion and pear infusion in the blender and blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.

4. Enjoy delicious watermelon juice

Watermelon juice

Watermelon is an excellent fruit for eliminating accumulated fluids thanks to its high water content which also makes this ingredient low in calories and perfect for deeply hydrating the body.

It is also rich in potassium and antioxidants. One way to benefit from watermelon is to blend it with its seeds and then drink this smoothie throughout the morning.

5. Celery and onion soup

For colder days we suggest, alternatively, soups and stews; not only are they diuretics, but they also purify the body of toxins.

In order for a soup or stew to help fight water retention, it is necessary to add celery and onion, two of the vegetables with the greatest diuretic properties. These will also give your dish a delicious flavor. You can thus consume it as a snack between meals or as an appetizer.

6. Infusion of horsetail and green tea

A very simple solution are the infusions, which can be drunk both cold and hot and which help to increase the consumption of water, if it is difficult to drink it in large quantities.

Horsetail helps eliminate liquids, but is also a rich source of minerals, such as silicon. It therefore helps us to increase urine production, but without losing too many minerals. Green tea is a fundamental drink because, in addition to being a diuretic, it is also a powerful antioxidant.

You can drink these two infusions together or alternate them, and we recommend that you drink them in the morning.

7. Dry brushing

The dry brushing technique, for which you only need a natural bristle brush, is a natural method to promote lymphatic drainage and promote the elimination of liquids almost immediately.

You can brush for 10 to 20 minutes and you will see that, in addition to urinating more, if you feel swollen it will help improve circulation and get softer skin.

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