5 Statements That Help Forgive Yourself

On many occasions the only person who can forgive us and allow us to move forward is ourselves. We must learn from mistakes, accept them and move forward to get everything we propose
5 affirmations that help you forgive yourself

We often hear about how important it is to forgive. They told us that forgiving those who have hurt us allows us to be free again. However, how many times have you heard about the need to forgive yourself? While forgiving yourself is more important than forgiving others, we do so very rarely. 

Have you ever analyzed the amount of things you complain about? How many times have you blamed yourself for certain circumstances or problems?

The damage we inflict on ourselves is often greater than that caused by others. For this reason, today we want to help you free yourself from this.

Forgiving yourself will not be easy and you will not succeed overnight. This is a process and the following statements can be of great help to you.

1. I get rid of the heavy burden of doubt, shame and guilt

little girl-and-butterflies

These three emotions are the main causes of many of the problems we face. Forgiving yourself for the actions or words that lead you to feel shame, guilt, or doubt is critical to moving forward.

However, in addition to saying this sentence, you have to deal with such emotions. This is precisely the difficult part and from which many escape. 

Stopping to analyze the situations that arouse these emotions forces you to recognize your weaknesses. Living this process honestly teaches you a lot about yourself and makes you impervious to similar situations in the future.

It is even possible that you will find that what makes you feel shame, guilt and doubt is, in reality, something of no importance.

2. I abandon the past to fully experience the future

Sometimes all the plans and goals we have are stifled by the past. All the things and people that have hurt you can block you and not allow you to get where you want to go.

Forgiving yourself means to stop thinking about everything that you have been missing . We used to believe that we can only forgive ourselves for what we have done wrong, but this is not the case.

There are occasions when we become trapped in deficiencies or circumstances that depended on others. For example, there are those who do not forgive themselves for not being the right person for someone who loved them. You are not perfect for everyone and that the other has not found what he was looking for in you does not make you a worse person.

3. I am able to advance despite my mistakes

In our culture they teach us to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings. For this reason, when we feel we have done something wrong, we focus too much on it. We can spend months or years analyzing what went wrong and why.

Forgiving yourself for these mistakes is vital for you to move forward. You must not forget that we all make mistakes every day and that this is okay . Mistakes are the true masters of life.

Think that, if everything always went well the first time, in a short time we would be left without notions to learn, without experiences to talk about or lessons to be learned at every mistake.

It is true that there are mistakes that cost us dearly, but even these teach an important lesson. From now on, see each mistake as a knowledge to be acquired. Forgive yourself for thinking this and advance to the next point in your life.

4. I am grateful for the beautiful things that life gives me


If we ask you right now to make a list of the people and things that make your life better, you will likely find more than you hoped for. Forgiving yourself means learning to see and accept that you are not alone. 

When we forgive ourselves for all that we believe we have caused, it is not that difficult to see all the good in our life.

With this sentence you are committed to focusing your attention on the positive side of life. If it seems difficult to achieve, you have probably been looking at the situation from the wrong perspective for too long.

5. I accept that I have done everything possible based on what I had available

Sometimes we have to make decisions quickly. Later, when we look at the situation as a whole or when we receive more information, we discover that we are wrong.

Maybe you feel guilty about it. However, it is best to put the guilt aside and take responsibility if you have acted with little information

When you take responsibility, you can forgive yourself and take action to remedy the situation. If you focus only on remembrance or guilt, nothing will change. Remember that it is better to be proactive than to live in constant complaining.

The only ones who can forgive themselves are reflected in the mirror

It is common to know people who are unable to advance because they keep waiting for forgiveness. Is this your case? How long have you been waiting to be forgiven? Is it really possible? The truth is, there are situations where only you can get rid of this burden. 

You may find yourself in a situation where the other person is distant, unwilling to forgive, or is no longer with you. You can’t live fully if you don’t advance today.

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