5 Remedies To Relieve Eye Bags

Many of these natural ingredients, thanks to their moisturizing properties, help not only to reduce bags under the eyes and dark circles, but also to prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles.
5 remedies to reduce eye bags

The skin around the eyes, with its scarce presence of sebaceous glands, is one of the most delicate areas of the face.  One of the problems that most affect the face are the so-called eye bags.

For this reason it is in this area that the passage of time, fatigue, stress and various physical and emotional ailments are most reflected.

Furthermore, it is one of the points of the body most exposed to the sun, pollution and other environmental factors that have a negative effect on our skin.

The eye bags are nothing more than an inflammation of the lower eyelids caused by water retention and poor blood circulation.

Although they cannot be considered a real health problem, for many they are a cause for concern, to be mitigated for aesthetic reasons. There are many cosmetic treatments that allow you to reduce them, making our face appear younger and more rested.

Today we want to share with you 5 natural remedies that, thanks to their composition, keep inflammation under control and moisturize the skin. Try them!

Natural remedies to reduce eye bags

1. Natural chamomile tonic to deflate the eyes

chamomile tonic for eye bags

The natural chamomile tonic is a product with anti-inflammatory and soothing properties and helps to significantly reduce bags. If we add a few rose petals, we get a great ally for the care of the eye contour and the whole complexion.


  • 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (30 g)
  • 6 rose petals
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Put the chamomile flowers and rose petals in a saucepan, along with a glass of water. Bring to a boil, lower the heat and leave to infuse for another 5 minutes.
  • After this time, filter through a colander and store the tonic in an airtight jar.
  • Soak two cotton balls and dab under the eyes with a gentle massage.
  • There is no need to rinse.
  • Use it every day in the morning and before going to bed.

2. Almond and rose oil

Almond oil is one of the best natural oils for eye care. It moisturizes the skin and prevents the formation of fine lines around the eyes. With the addition of a few rose petals, we get a completely natural remedy against bags, dark circles and other imperfections.


  • 1/2 cup of almond oil (120 g)
  • The petals of a rose


  • Soak the rose petals in almond oil for a whole day.
  • After 24 hours, filter the oil and place it in a glass jar.
  • Soak a cotton ball and rub the oil on the affected area.
  • Let the oil absorb completely.

3. Avocado and vitamin E

Avocado cream

The essential fatty acids contained in this mask help reduce inflammation under the eyes, but also deeply nourish the skin preventing the appearance of premature wrinkles.


  • ½ ripe avocado
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E


  • Extract the pulp from the avocado and mix it with a vitamin E capsule.
  • After obtaining a thick mask, apply it on the eye contour and on the areas to be treated.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse.
  • Repeat the application every day, until the bags under the eyes are reduced.

4. Potato

The juice contained in potatoes is anti-inflammatory and acts as a natural tonic. It can be used against bags under the eyes, dark circles and other skin disorders such as acne. The best solution is to apply it alone; if, however, you have dry skin, you can mix it with a few drops of olive oil.


A potato


  • Finely chop a potato until the juice is extracted.
  • Apply it on the inflamed areas and let it act for a quarter of an hour.
  • Rinse with warm water. Repeat the treatment twice a day.

5. Shea butter and argan oil

Shea butter and argan oil

Shea butter and argan oil nourish the delicate skin around the eyes, stimulate circulation and prevent dryness. This simple natural concealer reduces bags and dark circles, prevents premature wrinkles and reduces the negative impact of free radicals.


  • 1 tablespoon of shea butter (15 g)
  • 5 drops of argan oil


  • Melt the shea butter in a double boiler and mix it with the argan oil.
  • Once dissolved, pour the product into a jar and let it solidify.
  • Take a small amount with your fingertips and rub it gently on the bags.
  • Apply every night.

As you can see, these natural remedies are easy to prepare and have amazing effects. Choose the one you like best and use it regularly to see good results.

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