5 Characteristics Of Empathic People

Empathic people are able to listen without wanting to respond at all costs, just to know who they are around. They don’t care about being right all the time because they know that everyone has their own story
5 characteristics of empathic people

Empathy is a very useful social skill for living with others. Empathic people are able to put themselves in others’ shoes and see things from their point of view.

Through empathy we can enter into a deep connection with those around us .

While it is a human skill, not everyone develops it easily. There are those who are very empathetic by nature, without too much effort.

Others, on the other hand, need to work harder to be able to establish such a connection.

Today we will talk to you about the main characteristics of empathic people.

1. Empathic people pay attention to what others say

Empathetic people listen to any word in a conversation. Unlike others, however, they listen with real attention.

An empathic person does not listen to answer, but shows genuine interest in what one has to say.

It may seem like a minor thing, but listening carefully is a gift to the interlocutor, a difficult skill to adopt. Most of us don’t really pay attention.

We usually listen to formulate an answer and retort. The problem is that the connections you form with others aren’t always that solid.

Empathic people, on the other hand, respond with their whole body.

It is easy to realize this, just notice their gestures, their energy and their posture.

2. Empathic people value curiosity

empathy is knowing how to listen

As children we are taught that asking too many questions is rude, but the reality is very different.

While there are things you shouldn’t ask, unless there is a certain level of confidence, that doesn’t mean you should never ask questions.

Empathic people don’t believe in this paradigm. They let themselves be carried away by curiosity towards traditions, experiences and whatever knowledge the other person has.

And there’s no better way to connect with someone than by asking questions about their life and showing interest in what they have to tell.

So next time you talk to someone, ask them about their interests, dreams and goals. This exercise will help you develop empathy because it forces you to see reality from the other person’s perspective.

3. They question their judgments and opinions

Empathetic people, when they talk to someone who does not share their lifestyle, do not refuse to listen to him, but neither do they accept their opinion as absolute truth.

Indeed, they listen, ask and question themselves.

They understand that there is no single solution for everything and that everyone has their reasons. They don’t mind being right so much for it. In fact, they prefer to discuss and exchange views.

At the end of the speech, it is not uncommon for them to change their opinion or to adapt a bit what they already had. But they certainly don’t do it to be nice. If they change their mind, it’s because they really believe it.

To be more empathetic, talk to people who think differently from you on certain topics. Listen to their opinions and express your ideas.

The most important thing in this process is that you don’t try to convince anyone that your ideas are correct, just listen.

4. They measure their language

happy couple talking

Language is as important as knowing how to listen. Empathetic people understand that words are a weapon that can save or sink someone, so they pay close attention to what they say.

When they speak, they do so without judging, without giving orders or anything else. Even before giving advice, they ask themselves if they can give it.

Sometimes we don’t know the difference between helping and ordering. When you talk to someone who is down in the dumps, say phrases like: “I can’t imagine it” or “How can I help you?”.

The person will understand that you are really trying to understand it and that you are not judging it.

5. They understand that every person needs to be treated differently

Empathetic people understand that the saying “treat others as you would like to be treated” is not a rule, in fact not everyone likes to be treated the same way.

Being empathic means putting aside pride and pride and accepting the fact that there are more ways to be right.

We must remember that we are all different and that we have different needs.

Sometimes we label someone for their attitude or experience, without thinking that they have a history behind them that influences their actions. Perhaps that experience is insignificant to us, but to the other it can have a great emotional weight.

This doesn’t mean that empathic people don’t make decisions or express what they want. On the contrary: they explain what they feel or want, but with respect to those in front of them.

After reading this article, do you think you are an empathic person? Do you think you need to develop this feature?

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