4 Signs Of A Health Problem

We often discover that we have health problems only when we have very noticeable symptoms. However, there are many signals that our body sends to us to suggest that there is a problem before it gets too bad.
4 signs of a health problem

Can you tell when your body is sending you signals that indicate a health problem?

Since ancient times, medicine has used some external body changes to bring about an internal health problem.

This method of diagnosis is still the most used by many doctors, despite the fact that today technology represents the most accurate way to diagnose numerous diseases. 

Oriental therapies are a clear example of this method of diagnosis, which consists in looking for any change or alteration in the body to suspect some anomaly in the organism.

These signals sent by the body are an alarm bell that allows to identify various diseases in time,  so that they can be diagnosed in time and be able to resort to appropriate treatment.

What is your urine like if you have a health problem

Through the color or smell of urine it is possible to identify a problem in our body, in order to intervene before the situation worsens.

The urine of a healthy person must have a light yellow color and a not particularly strong odor.

urine color symptom of a health problem


Thanks to the color of urine, the degree of hydration of the body can be determined every day. A light colored urine indicates that the body is well hydrated and in good shape.

Conversely, dark-colored urine indicates dehydration or malfunction of the kidneys, which are responsible for eliminating harmful substances for the body through urine.

Frequency in urination

Urinating too often is a common symptom in people with diabetes or urinary infections. This problem is also associated with excessive alcohol consumption, pregnancy and weakened muscles. 


The strong smell of urine can indicate an abnormality in the body. If this odor adds to the dark color and frequent urge to urinate, the best thing to do is see a doctor as soon as possible.

Blood in the urine

Bleeding in the urine is a common symptom of some urinary tract or kidney disease. The most common case is that of kidney stones.

Sudden weight loss or weight gain indicates a health problem

Weight loss or weight gain is common in many people, as it often depends on the type of diet and lifestyle of each individual.

However, sudden weight gain or loss should not be ignored for any reason. It is, in fact, a clear sign of some problem in our body.

  • When a person suddenly gains several pounds, it can mean that there is an imbalance of the thyroid gland,  water retention, heart or kidney problems, pregnancy.
  • On the other hand, if you lose a lot of pounds without explanation, it is important to consult your doctor as in some cases it can be cancer.

Changes in the skin

skin changes cancer

The skin is our largest tissue and also the most exposed to a large number of factors that can alter it.

It is important to undergo frequent checks, as it almost always reflects many internal health problems or disorders.

  • If when looking at the skin, you notice changes in the color of the skin, the appearance of moles or spots, serious acne problems or other changes, the best thing to do is to consult a dermatologist to receive a precise diagnosis and prevent serious diseases such as skin cancer.

Changes in the nails are a symptom of a possible health problem

Nail changes can be a symptom of various diseases. Nails are part of our personal image, but they are also a window to identify health problems.

  • Pale nails:  If your nails lose their shine and start to look pale, there may be a problem with anemia and lack of red blood cells. In this case it is good to consult your doctor and improve your diet by taking foods rich in iron.
  • Brittle and brittle  nails : Very brittle nails can indicate a thyroid problem.
  • Swollen and yellowish nails:  this type of nails can indicate the presence of fungi, which can extend over the entire surface of the nail.

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