3 Smoothies To Eliminate Intestinal Parasites

3 smoothies to eliminate intestinal parasites

Most of us are affected by intestinal parasites without knowing it. Symptoms may be gastrointestinal discomfort, anal burning, appetite disorders, nervousness, etc. The presence of pets in the house favors the transmission of these parasites.

In this article we offer you three recipes to prepare healthy smoothies with medicinal properties, to be drunk every morning for fifteen days as a natural anti-parasite treatment.

A fasting smoothie

What we eat as soon as we get up, fasting, is what has the most effect on our body because, after a night’s rest, the body is prepared to assimilate new nutrients.

If you suspect that you have intestinal parasites, we propose you to make a natural cure lasting fifteen days by drinking one of the three medicinal smoothies that we present every morning, before breakfast or instead of breakfast.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, having breakfast before 7 am allows you to further increase the benefits, because at that time the intestine is in full swing.

Ingredients that must be avoided

In any treatment to eliminate intestinal parasites it is essential to start with nutrition, as these pathogens feed on certain foods. The foods that we recommend not to eat during the parasite treatment period are:

  • Sugars : both white sugar and honey or syrup. They are the favorite foods of intestinal parasites. The only natural sweetener that is allowed is stevia, which you can use pure or refined.
  • Milk : Milk is also not recommended. You can replace it with vegetable drinks or, as you will see in one of the recipes below, with kefir.

You will also need to eliminate the following foods:

  • Refined flours
  • Fried foods
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Dairy products (cream, cream, ice cream, etc.)

Figs and pumpkin seeds

Figs are a delicious fruit that favors and regulates intestinal transit in a natural way. In this case, they give the smoothie a sweet flavor, so there is no need to sweeten it. Pumpkin seeds are one of the most used remedies for killing parasites and also have multiple health benefits.

Ingredients for a smoothie :

  • 3 fresh or dried figs. If you use dried figs, put them to soak for at least two hours.
  • 30 raw and peeled pumpkin seeds, previously chopped.
  • 100 ml (half a glass) of water, unsweetened natural juice or vegetable drink.
figs promote and regulate intestinal transit

Papaya and kefir

Papaya is a tropical fruit with great benefits, ideal for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including parasites. Papaya seeds must also be added, because they are even more therapeutic.

Kefir, on the other hand, is a drink obtained from fermented milk, which improves the intestinal bacterial flora. It is a fundamental food for fighting parasites.

These two ingredients will allow you to obtain a smoothie with a delicious flavor and a creamy texture, ideal for the whole family. If you wish, you can sweeten it with a little refined stevia.

Ingredients for a smoothie :

  • 100 gr of peeled papaya
  • 15 papaya seeds
  • 100 gr of kefir. If you prepare it yourself, you can use goat milk, in this way it will be easier to digest due to its low lactose content.
  • Stevia to taste.
papaya is an excellent fruit for fighting intestinal parasites

Grapefruit and olive oil

This smoothie is not suitable for all palates. However, it is one of the most purifying you can prepare because, in addition to fighting parasites in the intestine, it also helps to clean the kidneys and liver. Grapefruit is a citrus fruit with great purifying properties in general and, as in the case of papaya, the seeds help eliminate intestinal parasites.

Extra virgin quality olive oil facilitates the expulsion of pathogens, as well as boasting numerous other beneficial properties for the health of the organism.

This smoothie is more therapeutic than good, but you can alternate it with the other recipes we have suggested or drink it in the evening before going to bed.

Ingredients for a smoothie :

  • A peeled grapefruit with seeds
  • A tablespoon (15 g) of extra virgin olive oil

If the blender doesn’t chop the grapefruit seeds well, you can strain the smoothie before drinking it. You can also add some stevia to give the smoothie a sweeter flavor.

grapefruit has great purifying properties

Images courtesy of madlyinlovewithlife, gregoirevdb, stefanvds and robin lee.

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