3 Healthy Breakfasts To Combat Constipation

Constipation is an increasingly common problem, mainly due to poor eating habits and an unhealthy lifestyle.
3 healthy breakfasts to combat constipation

Did you know that you can fight constipation with healthy breakfasts ? There are times when this problem presents itself more acutely. You feel heavy, bloated, and discomfort which can cause further problems in the long run.

We invite you to fight constipation by choosing from these healthy breakfasts.

A good breakfast fights constipation

Oats with yogurt and fruit

Did you know that having a proper breakfast is essential to fight constipation? So say several doctors and nutritionists and for this it is worth listening to them.

Constipation is an increasingly common problem, mainly due to poor eating habits and an unhealthy lifestyle. Here are the most common causes of this problem:

  • Not enough fiber is included in the diet
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Lack of probiotics that take care of the intestinal flora
  • Don’t eat plenty of breakfast and dinner
  • Having a sedentary lifestyle
  • Eating very fatty foods is rich in refined flours
  • Withholding stimuli, i.e. withholding stools because we do not have enough time to go to the bathroom. These solidify even more, intestinal transit becomes increasingly slow and can cause as a consequence even the most serious problems of constipation.

Healthy breakfasts: several options

Breakfast option # 1

Healthy breakfast with oats
  • Aloe vera herbal tea with honey and lemon 
  • Cup of oats with 5 strawberries and a chopped plum.
  • Pear juice

Why start the day with an aloe vera herbal tea? Because it is an excellent tonic for our intestines.

It treats it, makes it healthy and promotes intestinal transit. To get all the benefits, all you have to do is heat a cup of water and, when it comes to a boil, add a tablespoon of aloe vera gel.

Let it dissolve and then add a few drops of lemon. When you drink this herbal tea, you can sweeten it with a little honey.

After 20 minutes, you can have breakfast. You already know that the fibers are excellent and that oats are a great breakfast option.

Strawberries have those tiny seeds that have a laxative effect, which plum also has.

Finish with a pear juice, which hydrates the body and contains fiber. You will like it!

Breakfast option # 2

Figs and yogurt
  • Flaxseed herbal tea
  • Greek yogurt with nuts and figs
  • Wholemeal oat rusks with olive oil
  • A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice

We assure you that the second of the healthy breakfasts we offer you is delicious.

Start with flaxseed herbal tea, an excellent solution to combat constipation. Prepare the herbal tea by heating a cup of water and adding a teaspoon of flax seeds.

Boil for 3 minutes, turn off the heat and let it cool. Drink a cup on an empty stomach and, to maximize the effects, it would be ideal to drink a cup even in the afternoon.

Half an hour after taking the flax seed tea, you can eat yogurt with walnuts and figs.

Greek yogurt is the best and the healthiest. It has less lactose and also brings more good bacteria to our intestines, strengthens the intestinal flora and protects the immune system.

In addition, it promotes defecation. Figs, on the other hand, have a noticeable laxative effect that will help you if you suffer from constipation.

They are delicious, easy to digest, and protect the stomach from other types of diseases and problems, such as reflux and acidity.

Ending breakfast with a freshly squeezed orange juice is ideal. It brings us fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants, perfect for starting the day in the best way.

Breakfast option # 3

Orange and prickly pear smoothie
  • Prickly pear and orange smoothie 
  • A wholemeal oat toast with plum jam
  • A cup of bran with a chopped kiwi and 3 chopped almonds

Have you ever tried the prickly pear and orange smoothie? It is an effective and healthy remedy to combat constipation, increase defenses and avoid, for example, problems such as fever and cold.

The prickly pear has a “rubbery” substance that acts as a cleanser for the toxins present in the intestine and thus facilitates defecation.

It is highly digestive and taken together with orange juice, it provides the body with many fibers and minerals. To make this smoothie, all you have to do is squeeze an orange and take a stick of prickly pear.

Peel it, wash it and put it in the blender, along with the orange juice and a glass of water. Blend well and you will get a homogeneous juice to drink immediately to fully enjoy all its properties.

Next, make a toast with plum jam and also a cup of bran with a chopped kiwi and 3 almonds.

If it seems too much, it’s best to replace the rusk with bran.

Accompanied by kiwi and almonds, the amounts of fiber will increase and, in addition, you will also provide your body with a good dose of magnesium.

Which of these healthy breakfasts do you prefer?

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