10 Personal Items You Should Never Lend

While saying no seems offensive, sharing a towel with another person can be the cause of several infections, favored by humidity.
10 personal items you should never lend

Many people share personal items with friends, relatives, or those they are familiar with. At first glance, this behavior would appear harmless. However, it can promote the transmission of various infections and diseases.

Even today, there are those who do not know what objects of personal use are and why they should not be shared. For this reason, today we want to make a list of items that should never be loaned, even if it is an emergency.

1. Bar of soap

Natural soap for personal use

Although some bars of soap are antibacterial, they usually remain covered with some of the microorganisms they remove from the skin after each use, which can be harmless or the potential cause of disease.

The problem worsens if the bar of soap is stored in a humid place, which is likely to happen in the bathroom, as this creates the perfect environment for the proliferation of viruses, bacteria and fungi.

2. Towel between items of personal use

Body towels are one of those items that, for no reason, should be shared with anyone. Since they are humid most of the time, they become an ideal habitat for germs, especially if kept in the bathroom. When not bathed regularly, they can transmit yeast infections, acne and conjunctivitis.

3. Deodorant

Deodorant stick items for personal use

The deodorant can be shared whether it is the spray or cream one, as they do not come into contact with the skin. If you use the famous stick (or roll-on) deodorant instead, it is better to avoid sharing them, because they can transmit bacteria and bad odors in the armpits.

4. Toothbrush

Toothbrushes are very cheap and there is never a valid excuse for sharing them with your partner or family members. This object hosts many oral bacteria among its bristles , which it eliminates from the mouth, which is why it is for personal use.

It should be disinfected and changed regularly, as although many of these bacteria are harmless, they can sometimes cause flu, colds, and other common but annoying types of infections.

5. Tweezers for hair removal among items of personal use

Tweezers among items of personal use

Tweezers for hair removal are one of the most common tools for female beauty that is increasingly used to define the eyebrows or to remove unwanted hair in different areas of the body.

While sharing them is not dangerous when they are regularly cleaned and disinfected, it is not recommended because, in some cases, they can become the transmission path for bacteria, viruses and some blood-borne diseases.

6. Cocoa butter or lip products

Cocoa butter and other cosmetic lip products are not to be shared. Coming into direct contact with the skin, and possibly with saliva, and easily contaminated with bacteria and other microorganisms.

For example, sharing these products considerably increases the risk of suffering from cold sores, due to the ease of transmission of the herpes simplex virus, causing us a lot of discomfort.

7. Razor among objects of personal use not to be shared

Blades for hair removal

The razor pulls away dead cells along with unwanted hair, as well as some bacteria that can be harmful. Sharing razors is very dangerous as, if you cut yourself, they can be the cause of blood-borne diseases, such as hepatitis or HIV.

8. Hats or caps

Usually both caps and hats absorb the moisture produced by sweating from the head. This is the perfect environment for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi, which can be the cause of dandruff or changes in the scalp.

9. Earrings

Earrings have become one of the essential accessories for female beauty. However, what many don’t know is that they need to be disinfected regularly, as they can cause infections due to bacterial buildup.

Precisely for this reason, it is necessary to avoid sharing them with friends as much as possible, even if it may seem a selfish or offensive gesture. If you really must, use a disinfectant before wearing them.

10. Make-up between items of personal use

Woman putting on makeup

It is common for friends to exchange makeup, as in the case of face powder, eye pencil and lip liner. While it may seem harmless and irrelevant, they are actually the ideal medium for the transmission of bacteria, fungi and disease, as they come into contact with the skin.

Do you share some of these items? If that’s the case for you, think twice before lending them back. Even if it seems a little selfish, it is better to say no in time and not have to suffer any consequences.

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